Bioweapon Allegations In Ukraine’s US-Funded Labs Is The Latest Example Russia, US Information War
Bioweapon Allegations In Ukraine’s US-Funded Labs Is The Latest Example Russia, US Information War
The claims have been put forward by the Russians but it has managed to divide US' news agencies and outlets

The issues concerning whether US funded laboratories which were harbouring harmful Ukraine close to the Russian border continue to fuel further controversy. The biological weapons claim is the latest of the information warfare that is being fought between Russian and Western media.

Global Times, Sputnik News versus the Washington Post and the New York Times have taken out news reports and counter news reports each claiming to fact-check and prove their outlets’ version is correct over the past few days.

Since censorship is common in Russia and China where free media is often suppressed, it is the US where these claims are being hotly debated between right-leaning and left-leaning news outlets.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson hosted Glenn Greenwald, Pulitzer-winning journalist, who in a recent article on his Substack pointed out the US secretary of state official Victoria Nuland ‘almost admitted’ that the US help build labs in Ukraine and cast concerns that if those documents and research fell to Russian hands it could use them to develop bioweapons to target Ukrainians. A Washington Post report said that Carlson and the American right-leaning intellectuals and media houses fell for Russian propaganda.

Greenwald said that Nuland’s comments showed that US involvement in Ukraine and its extent also raises questions. He also said that Nuland’s admitted to ‘a version of the truth’. He also pointed out that Nuland’s fear that research falling into Russian hands also raises concerns that those labs may not be benign.

The director of US national intelligence Avril Haines said that medical facilities and labs have equipment, pathogens or other things that need restrictions around them since one needs to be sure it is being treated and handled appropriately. She further added that Russians could misuse those materials, even if it was not designed for weapons and in ‘dangerous ways or create challenges for the population’.

Meanwhile, the United Nations told Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens to prevent any potential spills. It also said that there was no evidence to claim that there were harmful pathogens stored there for ‘accidental or deliberate’ release.

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