Iran Seizes 2 Greek Vessels Days After Greece Captured Iranian Tanker Carrying Crude At US’ Request
Iran Seizes 2 Greek Vessels Days After Greece Captured Iranian Tanker Carrying Crude At US’ Request
The retaliatory move by Iran means tensions between Tehran and Washington in the Persian Gulf will rise, as explosions and hijackings of crude-carrying vessels continue.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) seized two Greek ships alleging that they committed violations while sailing in the Persian Gulf.

The move comes days after Greece seized an Iranian vessel at the request of the US Department of Justice.

The IRGC has moved Greek oil tankers Prudent Warrior and Delta Poseidon to Iranian waters after seizing them.

Earlier this month, the US DOJ ordered the seizure of the Iranian vessel alleging that it was violating sanctions imposed on Iran.

“These acts effectively amount to acts of piracy,” Greece reacted by saying and it made a strong demarche to the Iranian ambassador in Athens saying that the ship was violently taken.

Media in Greece earlier reported that the Lana tanker was believed to have been carrying more than 100,000 tons of Iranian crude, which was in violation of United States and European Union sanctions imposed on Iran.

Greece also demanded that Iran immediately release the tankers, warning that it will affect bilateral relations and affect Iran’s overall relations with the European Union, of which Greece is also a member.

Tracking data from suggests that both ships came from Iraq’s Basra oil terminal, loaded with crude.

The Prudent Warrior also filled crude from Qatar.

US officials familiar with the developments told news agency Associated Press that the vessels did not enter Iranian waters as claimed by the IRGC but admitted that they were close to it.

The Greek foreign ministry said that the IRGC landed a helicopter on the helipad of the ship Delta Poseidon.

The ship at that time was at least 22 nautical miles off the coast of Iran.

“Armed men then took the crew captive. A similar incident has been reported on another Greek-flagged vessel, that was carrying seven Greek citizens, close to the coast of Iran,” the Greek foreign ministry said in a statement.

It is noteworthy that neither vessel sent out a mayday call and turned off their tracking devices, according to the US official cited above.

The official said that the vessels after the hijacking, they drifted into Iranian waters.

The tensions have risen in the region as the IRGC is building a ship near the strategic Strait of Hormuz to expand its naval presence in waters.

The Strait Of Hormuz, a narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf through which a fifth of all traded oil passes, has witnessed several hijackings and explosions which began after former US president Donald Trump withdrew the US from Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers.

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