Repairs on 150-metre Section of Great Wall Underway in North China
Repairs on 150-metre Section of Great Wall Underway in North China
Years of weathering without repair had damaged a gateway, stairs and crenels, and the walls had also been damaged by plant roots, said Jia Chenghui, a cultural relics protection official.

Repair work on a section of China's Great Wall in north China's Hebei Province is underway, local cultural and tourism authorities said on Tuesday.

The Heduling section of the Great Wall, located in Houjiazhuang Township of Neiqiu County, dates back some 500 years to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

Years of weathering without repair had damaged a gateway, stairs and crenels, and the walls had also been damaged by plant roots, said Jia Chenghui, a cultural relics protection official of the county's cultural, radio, television and tourism bureau.

The local cultural relics protection department then applied for 1 million yuan (about $1.41 lakh) in funding from the provincial administration of cultural heritage to repair the 150-metre section of the Great Wall, state run Xinhua news agency reported on Tuesday.

According to Jia, the collapsed gateway was restored and the plant roots affecting the walls were cleared in the first stage in 2018.

In the second stage, which started in late May, repairmen will mend the collapsed walls and cracked sections, and reinforce the rock stairs.

The second stage of repairs is expected to be completed by early July, the report said.

It was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987.

With a total length of more than 21,000 kms (the entire wall with all of its branches), China's Great Wall runs through 404 counties in 15 provincial regions, with much of it in poor condition due to natural erosion and man-made damages.

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