Trump Cancels Planned Weekend Visit to New Jersey Without Explanation
Trump Cancels Planned Weekend Visit to New Jersey Without Explanation
The White House did not provide a reason for the cancellation, which comes amid a spike in novel coronavirus cases in many states.

U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday canceled a planned weekend visit to his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey, the White House said in an updated schedule.

The White House did not provide a reason for the cancellation, which comes amid a spike in novel coronavirus cases in many states.

White House spokesman Judd Deere said the cancellation was not related to New Jersey's requirement that visitors from states with high coronavirus infection rates self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.

Trump visited one of the states with high rates, Arizona, earlier this week.

Trump has stepped up his travel in recent weeks in an effort to jumpstart his re-election campaign and emphasize the U.S. economic re-opening after months of a coronavirus-induced shutdown.

But rising numbers of infections in areas of the country have raised concerns about the speed of the re-opening amidst a still strong pandemic.

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