Attaching Single Sequins with Glue
Mark where you want the sequins. Decide where you want to position the sequins on the clothing or fabric. Take tailor's chalk or an invisible fabric marker and make light dots where you'd like to put the individual sequins. Invisible fabric markers will wash off in the laundry, can be dry cleaned, or can be rubbed off easily. Make sure you think about what sort of design you'd like before you draw over the fabric. Lightly press the tailor's chalk onto the fabric so that you don't break the edge for future projects.
Place glue on the sequins. If you're using a hot glue gun, place a small dab of glue to the back of the sequin. You should use hot glue if you're planning on washing the material and wearing it often. Hot glue may also do better at preventing the sequins from popping off later. Take care not to burn yourself or place glue on the fabric itself. You could also use fabric or tacky glue if you want to apply jewels to a project that won't be handled roughly or washed. Avoid using white school glue since it becomes brittle when it dries. This can cause the sequins to pop off. Flat sequins don't have a designated front and back, although cupped sequins should be glued on the flat side. This will allow it to catch and reflect more light. If you find it hard to glue sequins with your fingers (for example, your fingers feel a little too sticky), use a toothpick, pencil, or tweezers to lift and place the sequins.
Position the sequin. Line up the sequin on the mark that you made and gently press it into place so that the glue doesn't squeeze out the sides. place gently. Hold the sequin in place if you're using hot glue. This will help it set. Otherwise, leave the garment or fabric to lay flat until the glue dries. Most tacky or fabric glues should dry within 15 to 30 seconds. The glue should be completely hardened before you use or wear the fabric. Let it dry longer if it still feels tacky or sticky.
Repeat until all sequins have been added. Continue to glue down all of your sequins and make sure they're in the same direction if you're using cupped sequins. Run your hands gently over the sequins to get them to shine in one direction. Although you may think it's easier to apply all the glue at once and then place the sequins on the glue dots, your glue might dry before you get the sequins down. Start out by just doing 6 sequins at a time until you get faster. Be gentle when rubbing the sequins since they can fall off. If some do fall off, you might want to consider reattaching them with a stronger glue.
Wear or use the newly-sequined item. Be aware that the glue won't be as durable as stitched-on sequins. But, it should still hold well for quite a few wears, especially if you care for the item. Be gentle when moving and try not to rub up or brush against things. Keep a small bottle of craft glue in your bag or purse to touch up any sequins that may fall off. This way, you can quickly glue them back on.
Attaching Strips of Sequins with Glue
Measure the length of sequin strip. Use a rule to see how long your strip of sequins is. If you need a specific length, draw the placement onto the garment or fabric using tailor's chalk or an invisible marker. If you want to make a design from the sequin strip, draw it onto the fabric first. This will help you in position the strip accurately when you glue it down. Try to have extra length of sequin strip. This way, you can make sure you won't run out and need to add a second strip which could discontinue the design and look unprofessional. You can always trim away excess sequin strip when you're done.
Cut the strip ends. Take a sharp pair of fabric scissors and trim the ends of the strips. Take care not to cut yourself. Fabric scissors will keep you from bending the sequins out of shape. Keep your fingers near the end of the cut strip so that sequins don't fall off. If you ever need half a sequin, use sharp scissors to make a clean cut down the middle. Blunt scissors will bend the sequin rather than cut it.
Pin the strip in place first for very long strips. This can be useful to do if you're adding a strip that winds its way around a garment, such as a leotard or a dress. After you pin the strip down, you can glue it down in sections, flattening down as you go and removing pins. When joining strips, be sure to carefully align the ends so that they appear to keep running in a single strip.
Run hot glue along the strip. Using the hot glue gun, run a short line of glue along the back of the sequin strip. Work in small amounts so that it doesn't dry before you can place the sequin strip down. Working in small amounts also gives you more flexibility to move your sequins around. To keep the strip from sliding, hold the ends in place for about 10 seconds or so before letting go. You may also choose to dab the fabric itself, running the glue across the place you’d like to attach the sequin strip.
Apply gentle pressure. Use your fingers or tweezers to hold and work with the strip. Carefully press down on the line or design you've made on the garment or fabric. Press the sequin strip in place for about 15 seconds to give it a chance to set. If glue oozes out from the center, let it dry and use it as a rivet to keep the sequins in place. Wait until all the glue dries before you wear or use the garment or fabric.
Let it dry before you add another strip. The glue should be entirely dry within 15 to 30 seconds. Test to see if it's entirely dry before you add any more sequin strips. To test for dryness, gently pat tweezers, pencil, or your fingers near the glued fabrics. If the glue is still sticky, give it more time to set.
Gluing Sequins to Your Skin
Choose the right glue. To attach sequins to your skin, you'll need glue that isn't toxic or hot (since it can damage your skin). Consider using eyelash, bindi or acrylic adhesive (spirit gum). Avoid using eyelash or latex if you plan on being around water or you tend to sweat a lot. If you need the sequins to set quickly, you may want to use latex glue although you should only use it in small amounts. Spirit glue is very sticky and you'll need spirit gum remover to take off the sequins and adhesive. You can find eyelash glue at drugstores and latex glue or spirit glue at beauty supply stores.
Clean your skin. Wash and dry the area of skin where you'll be sticking sequins or rhinestones. Avoid areas with hair, or be sure to shave or wax first. If your skin can tolerate it, rubbing alcohol will do a great job of cleaning off dirt and oils from your skin. The cleaner and less oily your skin is, the better the sequins will stick. Test the glue in a small area of your skin before applying the sequins. Make sure that your skin doesn't negatively react to the glue. If you notice redness, swelling, or irritation, don't use the glue. Be sure not to get any rubbing alcohol or soap in your eyes.
Dab a bit of adhesive to the sequin front. Place just enough glue so that the sequin will stay in place. If you put too much, the sequin may ooze glue and take too long to dry. When you apply sequins to your skin, make sure that the cupped part of the sequin is hugging your skin. This will help the sequin stay on better and have a greater surface area to glue. Use a small makeup or flat eye shadow brush to dab the glue onto the sequin or your skin.
Apply the sequins. Pick up the sequin that has glue on it using your fingers or tweezers. Press it in place gently on the skin and hold it there for 10 seconds before moving on to the next sequin. Check to see if the glue has completely dried by gently patting the sequins to see if they move. Be gentle when touching the glued on sequins. Rough movement can cause the sequins to fall off. If a sequin falls out of place, remove the sequin and reattach it with your glue. Keep some extra glue in your bag or purse to reattach sequins at your event. If you're trying to make a row of sequins stick on your face, it can be helpful to use a mirror to ensure you're keeping the row even.
Gently wash your skin. Use warm water and soap to remove the sequins. Take a wet washcloth and gently rub so that you remove both the sequins and glue. Add some soap to help ease the sequin away from the skin. Follow any manufacturer's instructions for removing the specific adhesive you used. If you're having trouble, use rubbing alcohol to help remove the sequins and dissolve the glue.
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