How to Do Well in School
How to Do Well in School
No matter how far along you are in your education, doing well in school can be a hurdle. You can do your best in school by promoting healthy study habits, and keeping your time and supplies organized. It’s also crucial to take care of yourself so that you feel your best and have all the energy you need!
Best Tips for Thriving at School

Being an Active Participant

Take notes while you listen or read. Taking notes helps you remember what you hear or read, but it also helps your brain stay active and absorb information adequately. If your teacher allows you to take notes while they’re talking in class, write down key points in the text, or make note of questions you have about the material while you read.Did you know? Doodling while you take notes can actually improve your focus and help you remember more of what you hear! Although typing your notes can be quicker and easier, writing your notes by hand may help you absorb and remember the material better.

Ask questions if you don’t understand something. It’s your teacher’s job to help you learn and understand, so don’t hesitate to ask them questions! Asking questions will not only help you learn the material better but will also show your teachers that you’re engaged and interested. If you’re too shy to raise your hand and ask questions during class, try approaching your teacher after class or sending them an email. If you’re in college or university, your instructor may have office hours when you can ask them questions and discuss the material with them one-on-one.

Keep up with your homework assignments. This may seem pretty obvious, but it can be easy to get swamped and lose track of all the work you’re supposed to be doing. Make sure to complete your assigned reading and stay on top of any work you’re required to hand in. Not only will your grades suffer if you don’t do your assignments, but you also won’t learn as much! EXPERT TIP Jennifer Kaifesh Jennifer Kaifesh Founder, Great Expectations College Prep Jennifer Kaifesh is the Founder of Great Expectations College Prep, a tutoring and counseling service based in Southern California. Jennifer has over 15 years of experience managing and facilitating academic tutoring and standardized test prep as it relates to the college application process. She takes a personal approach to her tutoring, and focuses on working with students to find their specific mix of pursuits that they both enjoy and excel at. She is a graduate of Northwestern University. Jennifer Kaifesh Jennifer Kaifesh Founder, Great Expectations College Prep Expert Warning: Don't lose easy points because you failed to turn in an assignment or turned it in late.

Maintain good attendance. Come to class every day if you can. Even if attendance isn’t mandatory in your classes, showing up will ensure you learn more and don’t miss anything important. If you do have to miss class, reach out to your teacher or a classmate to find out what you missed so that you can review it. Someone might be willing to share their notes with you. Sometimes you may want to skip class but you need to stay because your attendance counts as part of your grade, let your teacher know if you can’t be there. They may be able to excuse you that day or offer a way to make it up.

Participate in extracurricular activities. Consider signing up for school clubs, sports teams, or student committees. These activities can be fun and enriching, and they’re also a good way for you to get to know your teachers and fellow students. Plus, they will look good on college and job applications! Studies show that students who participate in extracurricular activities have better attendance, get higher grades, and are more likely to continue their education than students who don’t.

Developing Good Study Habits

Quiz yourself on the material. Quizzing yourself can help you improve your understanding of the material you’re studying. It will also help you identify your weak points so that you’ll know where to focus during review. Try different methods of testing your knowledge, such as: Making flashcards Having a friend ask you questions and trying to answer them Taking advantage of quizzes and knowledge checks in your textbooks Taking practice tests or quizzes, if your teacher provides them

Find a quiet, comfortable study environment. To help you stay focused, look for a place to study where you won’t be bothered by noise or interruptions. Your study space should also be tidy, well-lit, and not too hot or too cold. For example, you might study at a desk or table in your bedroom, find a favorite corner at the library, or work in a quiet coffee shop. Just be careful not to get too comfortable! If you study in bed or on a comfy couch, you may be tempted to fall asleep.

Put away your phone or other distractions. Distractions can be a huge problem when you’re trying to study. While you’re studying, put your phone away somewhere (like your bag or desk drawer) or turn it off. Turn off the TV, radio, or anything else that might distract you. If you’re too tempted to play with your phone, try installing a productivity app that will limit your access during study time, like Offtime or Moment. If you’re studying at home, let other people in your home know that you need quiet time without distractions while you’re studying or doing homework.

Take frequent breaks while you study. When you’re working or studying, try to take a 15 to 20-minute break every hour or so. This will help re-energize you and get you back on track if your mind starts to wander. During your break, you can get up and walk around, have a healthy snack, watch a short video, or even put your head down for a quick power nap. Going for even a short walk can give your brain a boost and improve your problem-solving and creative thinking skills!

Staying Organized

Use a planner to keep track of your class schedule. If you’re taking a lot of classes, keeping a daily or weekly planner can help you keep track of them all. Sit down at the beginning of the term and write out your schedule for each day of the week. Note when, where, and how long each of your classes is. If you have extracurricular activities, like clubs or sports, write those down as well. You can use either a paper planner or a planner app, like or Planner Pro. EXPERT TIP Alicia Oglesby Alicia Oglesby Professional School Counselor Alicia Oglesby is a Professional School Counselor and the Director of School and College Counseling at Bishop McNamara High School outside of Washington DC. With over ten years of experience in counseling, Alicia specializes in academic advising, social-emotional skills, and career counseling. Alicia holds a BS in Psychology from Howard University and a Master’s in Clinical Counseling and Applied Psychology from Chestnut Hill College. She also studied Race and Mental Health at Virginia Tech. Alicia holds Professional School Counseling Certifications in both Washington DC and Pennsylvania. She has created a college counseling program in its entirety and developed five programs focused on application workshops, parent information workshops, essay writing collaborative, peer-reviewed application activities, and financial aid literacy events. Alicia Oglesby Alicia Oglesby Professional School Counselor Set up systems for organizing schoolwork. Use colored pens to code school subjects in planners and matching folders. Set phone alerts for tests, projects, and assignments, so you stay on top of work. Handwrite to-do lists by due date and class to help retain the information.

Schedule times for homework, chores, and fun. Once you’ve blocked out your class schedule, you should also schedule in times for the other things you need to do each day. This will help you avoid spending too much time on any one thing. For example, you might schedule in 2 hours for studying after your last class on Monday, followed by half an hour for tidying up and 1 hour to work on hobbies, play games, or spend time with friends.

Write down important dates and deadlines. In addition to keeping track of your regular schedule, you’ll also need to stay on top of things like upcoming tests or assignment due dates. Make sure to mark those in your calendar or planner so you don’t lose track or forget. You can use an app like Google Calendar to set reminders for yourself so that you’ll get an alert on your phone or computer when an important date or deadline is getting close.

Prioritize your assignments and other responsibilities. When you have a lot of things on your plate, it can be hard to know where to begin. To avoid feeling overwhelmed or stuck, create a to-do list and put your most difficult or urgent assignments at the top. Once you’ve dealt with those, you can move on to smaller and less urgent items on the list.Tip: When you’re tackling a big project, try breaking it up into more manageable steps. For example, if you need to write an essay by the end of the week, try breaking it down into steps like doing research, writing an outline, and drafting your essay. For example, if you have a big math test coming up tomorrow, you might put reviewing for the math test at the top of your list. Reviewing this week’s French vocabulary words can go lower on the list.

Keep your school supplies together. In addition to organizing your time, it’s also important to organize your things. Keep your textbooks, notes, handouts, school supplies, planners, and anything else you need together in one place so that you can find them easily when you need them. To keep track of your notes, handouts, and assignments, try using a binder with different sections for each class. Set up a tidy, designated spot for doing school work so that your books and papers don’t end up scattered in different places.

Practicing Self Care

Get plenty of good-quality sleep. You won’t do well in school if you’re too exhausted to focus. Plan to go to bed early enough each night so that you can get 9-12 hours of sleep if you’re a kid, 8-10 if you’re a teen, and 7-9 if you’re an adult.Did you know? While you sleep, your brain processes the information you learned during the day. Sleeping is an important part of absorbing and remembering the things you learn in school! To help you sleep better, establish a relaxing bedtime routine, like doing light yoga, meditating, or taking a warm bath before bed. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Practice good sleep hygiene by turning off bright screens at least half an hour before bed, avoiding caffeine and other stimulants late in the day, and keeping your room quiet, dark, and comfortable at night.

Eat 3 healthy meals per day. If you’re not getting enough to eat, you’ll feel tired, unfocused, and irritable. Make sure to eat at least 3 balanced meals during the day. It’s especially important to have a nutritious breakfast so that you start your day energized and ready to learn. In every meal, try to include: Fresh fruits or vegetables Whole grains Lean proteins, like chicken breast or fish Healthy fats, like those found in fish, nuts, and vegetable oils

Stay hydrated. Keep water on hand throughout the day so that you can drink whenever you start to feel thirsty. Staying hydrated will help you focus and keep your energy up. While drinking water is the best way to get hydrated, you can also get some of the fluids you need from juices, herbal teas, soups, or juicy fruits and vegetables. How much water you need depends on your age. For example, if you’re 9-12 years old, aim to drink 7 glasses of water a day. Older kids and adults should try to drink 8 glasses a day. If it’s hot or you’re doing a lot of physical activity, you may need to drink more. Always listen to your body and drink if you feel thirsty. Avoid drinking a lot of sugary drinks and caffeinated beverages, which can give you a temporary energy boost but will ultimately leave you feeling drained and tired.

Do stress-relieving activities. School is stressful, so take time to unwind and do things you enjoy. You’ll do much better in school if you aren’t tense and anxious all the time. Some good stress-relieving activities include: Doing yoga or meditating Going for walks and spending time outdoors Spending time with friends, family, and pets Working on hobbies and creative projects Listening to music Watching movies or reading books

Reward yourself for your accomplishments. When you get something done, take the time to celebrate! This will help motivate you to keep studying and working hard. Remember to reward yourself for your small achievements as well as your big ones. For example, after an hour of studying, you might reward yourself with a favorite snack or a few minutes of funny videos on YouTube. If you do well on a big test, you could celebrate by going out for pizza with your friends.

Practice positive thinking. Having a positive attitude about school will not only make your experience less stressful but will also help you do better in your classes. If you find yourself thinking negatively about school or the subjects you’re studying, try to replace the negative thoughts with more positive ones. For example, instead of thinking, “I hate math! I’ll never be good at it,” try replacing that thought with “This is really challenging, but if I work hard, I’ll keep getting better at it!” Scientists have found that keeping a positive attitude may actually help your brain’s memory center work better!

Reach out for support if you need it. If the stress of school is getting to you, you don’t have to struggle with it alone. Talk to your friends or family about how you’re feeling, and let them know if there are ways they can help. If you need extra help or don’t have a strong support network, find out if your school has a counselor you can talk to. Sometimes just talking to a friend about how you’re feeling can help you feel better. Don’t be afraid to ask for practical support, either. For example, you could say, “Mom, I’m really stressing about this test. Can you take a few minutes and quiz me with some questions from the review sheet?”

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