How to Get over Being Shy in Front of Your Crush (Girls)
How to Get over Being Shy in Front of Your Crush (Girls)
Don't you just hate it that you're so shy in front of your crush? You don't want to move or talk, and you just stare at them? It's even more frustrating when you keep thinking about it when you're around them, not knowing what to do. You just want to scream!

Figure out how you look when you're around your crush and you could even ask some friends how you are whenever you're around them. When you approach them, does your face all of a sudden turn red? Does your body shake? Does your heart skip a beat? Does your body all of a sudden feel sick or cold or warm? You could ask your friends to give you a little update on that each time whether you're near them, close to them, or around them.

Know and remember if your crush sees you like that, they may know you like him. You don't want that to happen because you're not ready for a move yet. And you're not ready because you're reading this article and because you don't know what to do when you're around them.

Whenever you approach your crush, whether you bump into them at a store, at school with friends or by yourself, or just anywhere, stay and remain calm and focus your attention on something else. You should even look at something else that will get your attention off that person. Like, say you had homework. Think about it and see if you did it right. Or, if you're at a store, you can just look through the aisles and think of what you want to buy. And if you're with friends, don't look in their direction; just try to keep cool-- talk and pay real close attention to what your friends are saying. Try to act as if they aren't even there. Slowly, you'll start to get over your shyness.

If you think about your crush a lot and maybe even daydream about them, slowly start thinking of your crush less and less everyday, so that when you see them, it won't be as big of a deal. Do it slowly because it will not happen right away. It will probably take about three days or more, and maybe possibly even a week. But it will help you a lot!

Once you've gotten over your shyness or feel more comfortable around your crush, stay positive. Look good, but be yourself and don't change yourself or who you are. It will make you feel better about yourself. Your crush may notice you if you are very positive, confident, smart, and outgoing around them!

Have your friends make you feel better and help you with your crush (Especially the ones you trust). For example, when you're with them, ask them, "Do I look pretty?" and of course they will tell you the honest and real answer--"Yes!"--not a fake answer.

Find something you have in common with them and if it is an activity, ask them how it is going. If it's music, ask them about new concerts or CDs!

Pretend that they are just a normal person. Try to act like you do around your friends or family members.

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