How to Handle Teenager Rebellion
How to Handle Teenager Rebellion
Rebelling is a part of becoming a teenager. Every teen does it but it's important to know how to handle it so it only lasts as long as any other stage.

Recognize rebelliousness. Teenage rebellion includes many actions and "warning signs" that let you know your child is being rebellious. You'll start to notice dropped grades, maybe trouble at school, shorter temper, and more lip. Your teen will likely begin by rebelling in a small way in order to push the limits of what they can and can't do.

Don't be too strict. It may seem appealing to be hard on rebellion all the time in order to discourage it but rebellion almost wants that. It's really difficult to rebel against someone who isn't strict. Minor power struggles are always best won but sometimes you have to just not play. Give your teen some space. Let them change their look and their personal space.

Don't give in. Once you tell them to do something, don't let them avoid it without a compelling reason. While you shouldn't be strict, once you make a decision you have to follow through on it. If they were supposed to take out the trash an hour ago, and it still isn't done for whatever reason, it is paramount that you make them do it. Don't give in to these minor power struggles, because they set the stage for all of the other ones.

Examine their side of the story. They might have reasoning for wanting to do/not do something that you haven't thought about. Be flexible if they have sound logic. Don't be afraid to change your mind, or ask for time to think about it.

Give your teen space. Lying and hiding things are small acts of rebellion that are gateways into larger ones. By not giving your teen reason to lie or hide things from you, you prevent them from even considering those things.

Set clear rules. Your teen should never be able to claim that they "didn't know" something was forbidden. However, avoid setting rules for things that they probably won't consider. As in the parable about the boy who stuck beans up his nose, you don't want to give your child ideas.

Decide what to do with your teen. Keeping them busy is a good way to prevent any rebellious desires from taking root. A job (volunteer or paid), sports, and other time-occupying activities are good methods. If your teen is unresponsive to your trying to intervene and nip things in the bud you'll just have to let them find themselves in hot water. Let your teen get themselves into some moderate trouble outside of home. Once the school has them for vandalism or the they call you from the sheriff's office being a rebel won't be much fun anymore.

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