How to Identify a Funnel Spider
How to Identify a Funnel Spider
Funnel spiders, funnel-web spiders, or Atracidae, are a family of spiders native to Australia. Although there have been no deaths from a funnel spider bite since the 1980s, the venom of a funnel spider is still dangerous to humans, so it’s important to know how to identify one if you see it. By knowing where they are found, and recognizing the dark coloring and funnel-like webs, you’ll be able to identify and avoid the dangerous funnel spider.

Looking for Physical Characteristics

Look for a dark brown or black body. The legs and back of the funnel spider will usually be covered by a thin and dark layer of hair, but the body of the spider will always be a largely uniform pure black or a very dark brown. Look at the spider for this color, or any markings which might indicate that its a different type of spider. Some funnel spiders may have a very slight pattern on their body, but most will be a singular color.

Check for a hard, shiny carapace. The carapace is a hard, shell-like section that covers the back of many different animals. The funnel spider has an easily recognizable carapace near the front of its body. Look for a shiny black surface that is almost entirely free from hair to identify the funnel spider. The carapace is more protective than it is reflective. It can be used to identify the spider, but won't be particularly useful in spotting it from a distance.

Keep an eye out for the funnel spider's large fangs. The funnel spider is one of the more poisonous spiders in Australia, and it has the fangs to prove it. Look for 2 large fangs pointing directly downwards from the front of the spider to help identify it as a funnel spider. If the spider feels threatened or is preparing to attack, you may be able to see a small drop of poison on each fang. If you notice this, be extra careful to avoid being bitten and poisoned.

Notice if the spider is between 1 to 5 cm (0.39 to 1.97 in) in length. The body of the funnel spider is normally around 2 centimetres (0.79 in) in length, with the legs extending beyond this. Look at the body from a distance to determine whether or not the spider is the right size to be a funnel spider. Some funnel spiders, particularly the females, can grow to more than 5 centimetres (2.0 in) in length. They will rarely be shorter than 1 centimetre (0.39 in), unless they are recently hatched. You should never measure a spider precisely if you don’t know what species it is. Look from a distance, estimate the size of it, and always assume the worst when identifying a potentially venomous spider.

Check for visible spinnerets. Spinnerets are the organs near the back of abdomen which allow the spider to spin its web. On funnel spiders, the spinnerets are often longer than other spiders and should be easily visible. Look for 4 spinnerets on the back of the spider to help identify the funnel spider. There are two sub-species of funnel spiders, the more deadly Atrax funnel spiders and the less deadly Hadronyche funnel spiders. Atrax funnel spiders will often have larger or more obvious spinnerets than Hadronyche funnel spiders. Take extra care with spiders that have larger spinnerets.

Differentiate the larger females from the smaller male spiders. As well as being different in size, the male funnel spiders also have a more potent venom than the female spiders. This makes them more dangerous, so it’s important to be able to tell the difference between the two. Here are a few things to look for: Female funnel spiders will almost always be larger than their male counterparts, by up to 1 centimetre (0.39 in). If you see 2 funnel spiders, the larger one will be the female. The second leg from the front on a male funnel spider will have spurs on it, which the females will be lacking. The males will leave their burrows in search for a female mate, which means that you’re more likely to see the male funnel spiders than the females.

Identifying Their Habitat

Know that funnel spiders are only found in Australia. While other, similar species of spiders can be found around the world, the funnel or funnel-web spider can only be found in Australia. Predominantly, they are found in South Australia, Western Australia, and New South Wales. When identifying a funnel spider, make sure that they can be found in your area first. The funnel spider is so well-known in New South Wales that a particularly deadly species of it is known as the Sydney Funnel-web Spider or Atrax robustus. Be warier of the funnel spider if you are in Sydney or any of the surrounding areas.

Be wary of moist, cool, sheltered areas. The sun can often be harsh on funnel spiders, so they tend to hide in cool, dark places during the day. Be extra careful when looking under rocks, dense bushes, rotting logs, or even inside crevices and rotted trees, as these are all places perfect for a funnel spider to hide. If it’s raining, more areas may be hospitable to funnel spiders than usual. Sometimes, their burrows can be flooded and force them out during harsh rain as well. Be extra careful of funnel spiders when it is damp or raining.

Look for the telltale funnel-web outside of burrows. The funnel spiders are given their name for the webs they construct around their burrows to trap and catch their prey. Look for strands of web stretching from the ground or from nearby bushes towards a small hole in the ground to create a funnel-like shape. This is a sign that you have located the burrow of a funnel spider. The funnel spider waits for prey to walk over the webs, using the vibrations to tell them there’s something to eat outside. If you see these webs, avoid touching or disturbing them, as it may alert the spider to come and attack you.

Treating a Funnel Spider Bite

Know that the poison can only kill humans and primates. The venom of a funnel spider is usually used to paralyze small insects for the spider to eat. In humans and other primates, it makes nerves fire very quickly and causes the heart to tremble, which can lead to death. Be concerned if you or someone else is bitten, but don’t panic if a pet is bitten by a funnel spider. If a pet is bitten by a spider, take them to a vet to be safe. It’s not easy to tell what kind of spider has bitten your pet unless you see the bite happen.

Apply pressure to and above the wound. If you are bitten by a funnel spider, you should try and slow the flow of the venom through your system while you seek medical attention. Wrap a pressure bandage tightly over the area where you were bitten and continue wrapping it up the limb or body towards your heart. You don’t need to wrap the entire body when treating the bite. Wrap as much as you can, but don’t wrap more than 30 centimetres (12 in) at the most. Wrap the bandage to the same tightness you would wrap a bandage for a sprained ankle. It should slow blood flow, not cut it off completely. As you are wrapping the bite, you may be able to identify it, which can help with treatment.

Avoid moving the muscles around the bite. Moving the muscles in the area near the bite will encourage blood flow and allow the venom to work quicker. Keep the limb or area where you were bitten as still as possible. To ensure that the muscles do not move, bind a solid splint to the muscles or limb to prevent movement entirely.

Get to a hospital immediately. An antivenom for the funnel spider’s bite will prevent the venom from affecting you, but it can only be administered by a medical professional. Get to a hospital or emergency room as quickly as possible after you have been bitten so that a professional can treat your bite. If you can do so safely, bring the spider with you to the hospital to help with identification and to make sure the right antivenom is given as quickly as possible.

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