Gathering Supplies
Line the bottom with vinyl flooring. If you have built your own whelping box, you may have used wood or cardboard for the bottom. These materials are not easy to keep clean. As such, it is a good idea to line the bottom of your box with vinyl flooring. This can be purchased at any home improvement store, and is self-adhesive. If you are using a commercially-made whelping box, or if you have constructed a box out of plastic, this is not necessary.
Avoid chemical products. Pups (just like baby humans) are especially sensitive to household chemicals. To clean a whelping box, you are going to need a chemical-free, disinfectant cleanser. A great option is called “Simple Green,” and it can be purchased at most grocery stores. You will also need a “free and clear” laundry detergent to use on the towels for your whelping box. A good choice is "Seventh Generation Free and Clear." You can use bleach if it's diluted to the right amount, but it's better to go the extra mile and use a product that's labeled as safe for dogs.
Gather additional supplies. In addition to a disinfectant cleaner and laundry detergent, you will need a few other things. Gather some paper towels, clean bath towels (that have been washed using non-chemical detergent), and a cardboard or plastic container to hold the puppies while you clean their whelping box.
Following a Cleaning Schedule
Clean it every day for the first week. When the pups are first born, they will not produce a lot of waste, and what they do produce will be cleaned by the mother. At this point, you only need to clean the whelping box once per day. This helps to keep the space free of bacteria and keep your pups healthy.
Clean it twice a day for the next 2-3 weeks. After the first week, the puppies will begin producing more waste. At this point, it becomes important to clean the box twice a day. In addition to keeping the whelping box bacteria-free, this helps to instill the understanding that puppies should not go potty where they sleep. This will help with crate training and housebreaking later on. After this time, the puppies will be transitioned out of the whelping box and into a larger space.
Check the box regularly. Beyond your daily cleaning schedule, you should regularly check the whelping box for excessive dampness and solid waste. Even if you have already conducted your daily cleaning, you should remove and replace damp or dirty towels whenever it is needed.
Making Safety a Priority
Remove the puppies. To clean you whelping box, begin by removing the puppies. Place them in a cardboard box or large plastic container nearby. If the mother is in the whelping box at that time, help her to exit as well.
Remove all towels and bedding. Next, you will lift up any towels and bedding and place them directly into your washing machine. Remember to use “free and clear” detergent to keep your puppies healthy.
Clean the bottom with a chemical-free disinfectant cleanser. Spray a bit of chemical-free disinfectant cleanser on the bottom and sides of your whelping box, and use a paper towel to wipe this up. If there are any particularly dirty areas, you may want to go over them more than once.
Place clean towels in the box. Take some clean bath towels (that have been washed with chemical-free detergent) and place them in the bottom of your whelping box. You can now return the puppies to their box.
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