How to Look Good for School
How to Look Good for School
Whether or not mornings are a challenge for you, making the most of the limited time you have before you have to leave makes a huge difference. No matter if it's the first day, the last day, or sometime in between, getting ready by cleaning and dressing is an easy process and will have you looking great in no time. Plus, looking good for school can make you feel more confident, helping you be a better student!

Prepping the Night Before

Take a shower. Good hygiene is essential to look healthy and nice, if you're going to school, going to the movies, or even just going to church. You can either take a shower the night before or in the morning , but if you take a shower at night, you have a few more minutes of sleep in the morning. You don't have to wash your hair every day. People with drier, coarser, thicker hair can get away with showering it once or twice a week. But do wash your body every day to stay smelling fresh, especially if you regularly exercise.

Collect what you need for school. Put everything you need in your bookbag the night before. This way you can concentrate on very looking good in the morning and don't have to worry about running around finding your books and homework. If you have to bring a lunch tomorrow, prepare it the night before, too. But don't put that in your backpack – you can keep that in the fridge. If there's something that has to be left out (say an art project that has to finish drying), make yourself a note and leave it on top of your backpack to remind yourself in the morning that it hasn't been packed yet.

Pick out what you want to wear. Find an item that you really like such as a shirt, shoes, a belt, a necklace, or even socks. Center your outfit around that item, and piece it together to make it look good. Hang it in a special place or leave it close to your bed. When you wake up, you don't have to rush picking out an outfit in the morning. If you wear a uniform, make sure it is ironed and hung up in your closet. You do not want your clothes to look wrinkled and worn.

Get a sufficient amount of sleep. You should get at least eight hours of sleep every night so you look good and get good grades. Plan your day out so you can get a full night of sleep. Everybody needs a different amount of sleep, but most people fall into the 7 to 10-hour category. In fact, the average teen needs a whopping 9 1/4 hours of sleep to feel rested. Aim for that number as much as possible.

Managing Your Morning Time

Wake up on time. Resist the urge to snooze for just a few more minutes. Instead, go to the restroom and splash some water on your face to wake you up. In fact, recent research says that hitting the snooze button can make you more tired. Avoid it if you can – it'll make you run late anyway. Give yourself 5 or 10 minutes more than what you think you need. This way if you're running behind, you're still on time. It's the worst feeling to be rushed in the morning and feel like you don't have enough time to do what you need to get done.

Brush and floss your teeth. Brush your bottom and top teeth in a circular or up and down motion for a solid minute. Don't forget to brush your tongue to prevent bad breath, too. Flossing and mouthwash not only kill bacteria, but they keep your breath smelling good for longer, too. If you eat breakfast early, consider gargling with mouthwash afterward to be extra fresh for school.

If you have acne-prone or oily skin, wash your face with a mild cleanser every morning. To spot-treat and cover your new breakouts, use a concealer that is made specially to hide and diminish acne. Experiment with how often you need to wash your face. For some people, two or three times is helpful. For others, once is as often as they can without drying out their faces. Also, only use oil-free skin products. Coconut, olive, and tea tree are the three oils that will help your skin. The rest, like mineral, will clog your pores and cause you to break out.

Begin your beauty routine. This could be showering, shaving, applying deodorant, lotion and/or perfume – whatever your routine is. Maybe brushing your hair, applying a little lip gloss? It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Try to keep everything to a minimum – natural is always best. This goes for everything from hair gel to eyeliner. Especially for school – save the crazy beauty routines for going out at night.

Get dressed. Good thing you have that outfit all ready! Now all you have to do is slip it on and you're set! Take a look in the mirror to make sure you weren't going crazy the night before. Does your outfit look as good as you thought it would? Excellent.

Style your hair. Do you have gym class today? Then it might be best just to brush your hair and do something basic with it. If it's a lazier day, take the time to straighten or curl it. If you want straight hair, dry your hair while combing it with a flat brush. You may want to actually straighten it with a thermal spray and a flat iron, also. If you want curly hair, skip the blow dryer, put some curling gel in your hair, and scrunch. You could also try "plopping" your hair, which will dry it sufficiently and curl it at the same time.

Adding the Finishing Touches

Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It should be something substantial, like eggs or ham (in other words, not a doughnut). It will give you the energy you need for the day. If you don't have the time, grab something (like a cup of yogurt or a handful of trail mix) on the way out.

Apply a few touches of makeup if desired. Most girls look best with a natural look – a bit of concealer, blush, mascara, and a touch of lipgloss. If you're worried about not wearing enough, bring those pieces with you so you can reapply at lunchtime. This could be part of your beauty routine, too, but the later you do it, the longer it'll last at school. If nothing else, just reapply some lip gloss and you're good to go.

Accessorize. Don't forget to pick a few pieces to add to your outfit. However, stick to a couple of main colors and an accent color – you don't want to look like a clown with a lot of colors. The rule is to put everything on and then take one thing off. Alternatively, stick to the either/or rule. You can either wear a necklace or a bracelet, for example. Wearing too many accessories easily becomes overkill. They distract from each other, too. If you're wearing just a necklace, it'll pop more than if you're wearing a necklace, earrings, and a bracelet.

Do one last check before you head out the door. Is everything in your backpack? How's the hair? Matching socks? Do you have extra clothes for gym? A sweater if it gets cold? A hair tie? Headphones? Check, check, and check? Then you're ready and looking good, for sure. If looking good is a top priority for you, keep a small bag in your backpack full of supplies. A brush, a small bottle of hair gel/spray, and anything else you think you may need.

Looking Stylish

Match the color of your clothes. Pay close attention to your outfit's color scheme. Neutral colors like black, white, tan, and grey go with anything. Neutral colored clothes should be your bread and butter. Also, as a rule of thumb, primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) and complementary colors (orange and blue, green and red etc...) always go well together. Nearby colors like indigo and purple harmonize nicely too. Mix and match colors until you find an outfit that pleases the eye. Remember to match the color of your shoes to the color of your outfit. Blue jeans match everything. If you're feeling daring, try an eye-catching monochrome look like an all red outfit.

Buy clothes that fit your body type. The easiest way to look good is to wear well-fitted clothes. Your clothes shouldn't be baggy or skin-tight. They should flatter your body type. There's no need to guess. Measure your pant size and remember it. Try on clothes before you buy them. A medium in one brand may be a large in another. If you can, avoid ordering online so you're certain of the fit.

Match the quality of your clothes. If you're wearing a fancy button-down shirt, try to match it with nice khakis. Avoid sneakers with a classy outfit and go for something more like black, leather loafers. Similarly, if you want to go with something more casual, make sure you whole outfit is casual. All your clothes should work together. Or in other words, nothing should stand out.

Accessorize appropriately. Depending on your school's dress code, add necklaces, bracelets, belts, sunglasses etc... into the mix. This adds depth to your look. If you're wearing neutral colors, use your accessory as an accent. A bright blue necklace or red shoelaces can bring otherwise drab clothing to life. Don't overdo it. Too many accessories can make it look like you're trying too hard. Aim for one or two matching accessories per outfit. Don't over match your accessories. If you're wearing a mainly blue outfit, avoid blue accessories. You can match the color of your accessory to one of the understated colors of your outfit. A hint of red on your shirt and red earrings go very well together. Accessories are a good way to express yourself. A crazy scarf or unique hat makes for an intriguing look.

Keep your outfit simple. If you wear orange stripes and green polka dots with two different jackets, your look is too loud. It's better to err on the side of simple and elegant than complex and busy. From there, you can accent your outfit with trendy shoes, bright accessories, or an interesting hairdo. On the other hand, if you just wear a t-shirt and jeans every day your style will get old. Try to find a reasonable middle ground.

If you're a girl, wear jeans or leggings with a casual blouse or nice t-shirt. Mix in the occasional sundress and skirt for variety. Accessories are essential. Pay close attention to how your accessories and shoes interact with your outfit. Play around with your accessories until you find combinations that work. Match your necklace to the length of your neckline. Jean shorts and tank tops are a fashionable look for girls. Make sure you comply with your school's dress code, though. Layer with jackets and undershirts to add more color and depth to your outfit. Sweaters generally look great on girls. Apply a light layer of makeup. Makeup is a good way to bring out the natural beauty in your face. Other than your lipstick, makeup shouldn't be noticeable.

If you're a boy, wear collared shirts like polo and button-downs. Styles change, but collared shirts will always look good on boys. You can match easily with blue jeans and a light jacket. Wear a nice belt and matching shoes to round out your style. T-shirts are a basic but perfectly acceptable look. You can experiment more with colors once it's warmer and you can wear shorts. Colored and patterned shorts are very fashionable, especially if they match your outfit. When it's colder, layer with a light jacket, overcoat, hat, and scarf. Make sure all those elements are working together. Sweaters are a timeless look for boys too.

Mix it up. Don't wear the same clothes every day. Change your style and adapt to fashion trends. Using these general rules, play with your outfits and create a style all your own!

Maintaining Your Wardrobe

Always fold and hang your clothes. Wrinkled clothes don't make for a good look. Crisp and smooth clothing is far more fashionable. If you take the time to properly store your clothes, you'll instantly look better dressed. Nicer clothes like button-downs and blouses should be ironed before they're worn. Organize your wardrobe to make putting together an outfit quick and easy.

Wash your clothes regularly. It doesn't matter how good your hygiene is; if your clothes smell bad, you'll smell bad too. Don't wear t-shirts more than once, and only wear pants that you know aren't dirty. Use a scented detergent so your clothes naturally smell good. Though if you have eczema or chemical sensitivities, avoid fragrances and scents as they can irritate skin.

Maintain your clothes throughout the day. It's a good idea to carry around a lint roller and instant stain remover. Be careful not to spill on white clothes. If you have P.E. or an outdoor field trip, bring a change of clothes.

Keep your shoes clean. Your shoes aren't just functional. They're an important part of your outfit. You can clean your shoes when they start to get brown, and if you can't see their original color anymore, it's time to buy new shoes. Be careful not to wear white shoes in grass or mud. If it's raining, wear boots or shoes you don't mind getting dirty.

If your school has a uniform, make sure yours stays in top condition. Take care of your uniform by washing it and ironing it frequently. Keep it away from any pets and keep it dry if it's raining. You have less room to express your style with a uniform, but you can still make differentiate yourself with accessories and unique hair style.

Having Great Hair and Body

Wash and care for your hair every day. Find a shampoo and conditioner that's right for you. Wash it daily to maintain healthy hair. Then, brush and comb your hair how you like it. Blow dry your hair if it's long.

Style your hair. Do some research on hair styles and find one that suits your tastes and your hair type. You aren't stuck with the style you have. Put some thought into your hair and make it look how you want it. Find a quality hair salon nearby. Ask the stylist's advice and build a relationship with them. Specific hair cuts are better than generic ones. For girls, hair ties and braids are your friend. You don't have time to do your hair up every day. Put your hair in a bun or ponytail for an easy hair style. For boys, short buzz cuts are safe. If you grow it out, make sure to comb and part your hair appropriately.

Work out. Exercise three or four times a week. If you aren't on a sports team, make time for physical activity. This will help you maintain a healthy body type. You don't have to go to the gym to stay in shape. Go for a bike ride. Try yoga. Play basketball with your friends. Don't stress about your body type. A healthy lifestyle and consistent physical activity will get you the body you want.

Apply lotion to maintain healthy skin. Know your skin type. If you have oily skin, use an oil-free moisturizer. If you have dry skin, use moisturizer rich in essential oils to revitalize it. A little attention to your skin can go a long way.

Maintaining Personal Hygiene

Shower every day. Wake up early and use the morning for hygiene. You should wash your hair thoroughly and clean your whole body with soap or body wash. If you have facial hair or excessive leg hair, you can also shave in the shower. If you have longer hair you should condition it too. You can also shower at night before bed.

Wash your face to maintain healthy skin. After a hot shower, your pores open up. This is the perfect time to wash your face. Apply a gentle face soap to clean your skin. Then, dry your face with a soft towel. If you have acne problems, make sure your face wash fights acne and oil too.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day. White teeth and fresh breath are central to your cleanliness. Make sure to brush for at least two minutes and floss once a day. It's a good idea to carry breath mints or gum to freshen up during the school day. Mouthwash helps too.

Use deodorant or perfume. Not only should you smell clean, you should actively smell pleasant. Before you leave for school, put on the deodorant or perfume of your choice. Don't put too much on or it will be overpowering. If you have the tendency to sweat, make sure your deodorant is an antiperspirant too.

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