Alum formula
In a large pan, mix 1 lb of alum with 1 US-pint (470 ml) hot water from a faucet. A preserving pan is a good size for this, to allow room for the fabric.
Select the fabric that you wish to treat. Dip it into the pan and wet it completely.
Pull out the completely wet fabric. Put into a non-drip plastic basket to take outside. Hang on a line, over the basket, or over a clothes rack.
Use once dried. Expect some stiffness compared to the original fabric but it should mold to the shape needed with bending.
Ammonium chloride and ammonium phosphate formula
In a large pan, mix 1 cup ammonium chloride with 2 pints of water.
Add 1/2 cup ammonium phosphate and mix together.
Dip the fabric into the pan and completely cover as above. Dry as above.
Borax formula
Mix 6 parts/lbs borax, 5 parts/lbs boric acid, 100 parts/12 gallons (45.4 L) water in a large container.
Dip the fabric in until completely soaked. Repeat if needed. Allow to dry.
Another borax variant
Mix 7 parts/7lbs borax, 3 parts/3 lbs boric acid, 100 parts/12 gallons (45.4 L) water in a large container.
Follow above steps. For rayon and sheer fabrics, 17 gallons (64.4 L) of water are recommended.
Sodium silicate formula
Mix 1 oz water glass (sodium silicate) with 9 oz water.
Wash fabric well and rinse completely before dipping in the silicate formula.
Leave to soak and hang to dry.
National Fire Protection Association formula
Mix 9 oz borax powder, 4 oz boric acid, with 1 gallon (3.8 L) water.
Mix thoroughly in large container.
Dip fabric or spray on. Drip dry.
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