LBVS Meaning: The Popular TikTok Slang Abbreviation, Explained
LBVS Meaning: The Popular TikTok Slang Abbreviation, Explained
If someone sent you “LBVS” in a message but you’re not quite up to date on the latest texting lingo, you might be wondering what they’re trying to say (and how to respond to it). We can help! Lbvs stands for “laughing but very serious,” and it’s most often used to describe something that’s both funny and serious (or has serious consequences). In this article, we’ll explain the ins and outs of the LBVS acronym and how to use it, with plenty of examples along the way.
LBVS Meaning at a Glance

What does LBVS mean?

LBVS stands for “Laughing but very serious.” It’s an acronym that means something is both funny and serious at the same time. When someone uses Lbvs, they’re basically saying that they're kind of joking but also serious, or that they can't help but find a situation amusing even though they know it's not a laughing matter. “Lbvs I just missed my fight the second time in a row?? I think I’m cursed ????” “Lbvs I don’t know if I’ll ever look at beaches the same way after getting stung by that jellyfish ????” Overall, lbvs adds more nuance to a message than “lol” (laughing out loud) or “jk” (just kidding).

How to Use LBVS

Use Lbvs to poke fun at your own misfortune. Sometimes, laughing at negative circumstances makes them easier to deal with! So, if you have a bad day, make a mistake, or experience something unfortunate, you could use Lbvs to laugh at the situation (and yourself) while recognizing the consequences of it at the same time. “Lbvs I can’t believe my car broke down right after I got it back from the mechanic. ????” “Just walked right into a telephone pole and lbvs OUCH ????????”

Describe an event you witnessed that’s both funny and somber. Lbvs is a great way to highlight the humor in any situation that’s ironically (or even lamentably) funny because the “vs” part also recognizes that there are more serious undertones to it. So, if you see or hear about something that you can’t help but find funny, even if it’s unfortunate, too, use Lbvs to describe it. “Lbvs my friend just slipped on the ice and I totally giggled in spite of myself ????” “Lbvs my brother’s facepaint from the game won’t come off and he’s freaking out about it ????”

Make a serious point while joking around. If you’re trying to genuinely communicate something while also making a joke, Lbvs can convey that better than simply saying “haha” or “lol”. Seeing “lbvs” in a message is a signal to your recipient that the point you’re making is real, even though it’s being made in a joking manner. “Lbvs I’m never going to that bagel joint again after seeing a roach there! ????” “Lbvs the amount of homework I’m getting is actually going to make me explode. ????”

How to Reply to LBVS

Agree that something is funny (even if it’s also unfortunate). If a friend describes a funny yet serious situation to you—either their own mishap or someone else’s—you can respond with a good-natured laugh if you see in the humor in the situation, too. If it seems necessary, you can also make sure everything is okay before laughing along with your friend. Them: “My sis dropped her new phone in the toilet that she got YESTERDAY…lbvs that’s so tragic ????” You: “Lol yeah that’s hilariously unfortunate for her ????”

Express concern over the situation if it seems more serious than funny. On the other hand, if someone sends you a message with Lbvs but you don’t think whatever they’re describing sounds funny, you don’t have to laugh back. Instead, ask if things are okay now, if everything worked out in the end, or if they might need some help depending on the situation. Them: “So lbvs I guess my grandma slipped while doing laundry and fell down the basement steps? ????‍????” You: “Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that! Is she okay?”

Acknowledge the other person’s point, whether you agree or disagree. If the person messaging you is trying to make a serious point while joking around, show them you understand what they’re trying to say (and that you know they’re being serious, even if they sound nonchalant). Then, express agreement (or disagreement) depending on how you feel about their statement. Them: “Lbvs I’ve seen Independence Day so many times I can’t watch it again for a WHILE.” You: “Haha, I feel that. I’ll make sure not to suggest it in the future then! ????”

When is it appropriate to use LBVS?

Lbvs should be used in casual exchanges on a case-by-case basis. It’s never a good idea to use Lbvs in formal communication (like work exchanges or academic writing) because texting slang can make you seem unprofessional and unserious. You can absolutely use Lbvs casually with friends or family members, so long as you aren’t sending it to someone who clearly wants to have a serious talk. For example, if a friend texted saying. “Can we talk? I need to talk to someone after going to the doctor today,” replying with something like, “Uh oh, I smell trouble lbvs!” might not be the right tone since the initial text was so serious. On the other hand, a friend texting to say, “Just tripped and fell HARD. Can’t believe I’m really this clumsy sometimes lol,” you could use Lbvs in your reply because they used “lol” to show they’re laughing at the situation, too. For example, you might reply, “Lbvs yes you’re a klutz but I hope you’re okay now! ???? ????”

Other Meanings of LBVS

Late bottled vintage This term is typically used to describe a unique type of port wine with a distinctive taste. Traditional vintage port is aged for 2 years, then bottled and aged further. By comparison, late bottled vintage (LVBS) port is released 4 to 6 years after the vintage and ready to drink immediately after being bottled. If you see LBVS used in the context of drinking or buying wine, this is likely what it stands for.

Luminous blue variables In astronomy, LBVS are gigantic evolved stars classified by their unpredictable and dramatic variations in brightness and spectra. They’re rare, extremely bright, and often have strong stellar winds. LBVS are also known as S Doradus variables, and their uniqueness makes them especially interesting to astronomers and astrophysicists.

Ligland-based virtual screening Ligand-based virtual screening is a method of modern drug design, able to screen compound databases and look for similar molecular structures. Essentially, it’s a relatively quick and inexpensive way to discover new drugs based on their ligands, which are ions or neutral molecules that bond to a central atom.

Related Slang

Other slang terms indicate when you’re laughing or being serious. Depending on what you want to say over text (or on social media), you might find yourself using an acronym similar to Lbvs instead. Similar slang terms include: LBS = Laughing but serious RUS = Are you serious? SRSLY = Seriously HHOS = Ha ha, only serious LOL = Laugh out loud Haha = Laughing

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