Taurus’ Luckiest Numbers (Plus How to Use Them)
Taurus’ Luckiest Numbers (Plus How to Use Them)
According to numerology, every zodiac sign has special numbers that can bring them good luck. While grounded, persistent, and hardworking Taurus doesn’t need good luck to achieve success, your numbers can boost your good fortune even further, helping you win the lottery, stay motivated in your career, and find your soulmate. Follow along with us as we uncover Taurus’ lucky numbers as well as the luckiest days, colors, gemstones, years, and letters for the stubborn bull!
Things You Should Know
  • Taurus’ luckiest number is 5. Using 5 when you play the lottery or planning dates on the 5th of the month can bring wealth and prosperity to your life.
  • 6 and 2 are lucky numbers for Taurus’ love life, helping you woo dates and resolve conflicts in your relationship.
  • 1 and 9 can bring Taurus luck in their career. 1 can help you overcome challenges while 9 helps you stay motivated.

Lucky Numbers for Taurus

5 can bring Taurus good fortune and prosperity. As a hardworking and down-to-earth Taurus, you tend to make your own luck in life, from leading a successful career to building loving relationships. When you see 5, take it as a sign to let good fortune come to you for a change! This lucky number can indicate that wealth, love, and amazing achievements are on the horizon. Use the powerful energy of 5 to boost your luck yourself. Play 5s in the lottery, schedule important work meetings at 5:00, or plan dates on days ending in 5. Plan important events in May, the fifth month of the year, too. You might book a vacation, make a move to a new city, or look for new jobs. Numbers that add up to 5, like 14 and 23, are very lucky for Taurus. Use these numbers when you play the lottery or take them as signs of positivity and abundance when you see them in your daily life.

6 can bring Taurus harmony in their love life. The number 6 is associated with Venus, the planet of love, romance, and beauty. Because Venus rules over Taurus, 6 is considered incredibly lucky for your romantic pursuits! Lucky number 6 can help you woo your crush, plan sensual dates, and open up your guarded heart to let love in your life. For instance, schedule an extravagant, romantic dinner with your crush at 6:00 and surprise them with a bouquet of 6 roses. Then, share 6 things about yourself to let your date know you’re serious about the relationship and are ready to take your commitment to the next level.

1 can bring Taurus the creativity to overcome challenges. In numerology, 1 represents innovation, leadership, and perseverance. If you’re encountering issues at work or conflict in your relationships, use 1’s positive vibes to brainstorm creative solutions to your problems and gather the energy to tackle them. For instance, give yourself 1 hour to jot down every solution that comes to your mind. Then, select 1 solution and create a 10-step plan to work out the issue.

9 can bring Taurus the energy to achieve their goals. While the steadfast, hardworking bull always achieves what they set their mind to, your patient nature means that accomplishments tend to come slowly. To help you get to the finish line faster, use lucky number 9 to boost your motivation: break your goal into 9 chunks to make it more manageable and take a 9-minute break every hour to relax and recharge.

2 can bring Taurus balance and peace to their relationships. As a Taurus, you approach every situation calmly and coolly, making 2 your perfect companion! This little number boosts your stable presence and peace-keeping attitude, helping you maintain a cool head during conflicts and understand others’ perspectives to bring harmony back to your relationships. For instance, spend 2 minutes taking deep breaths to calm yourself down before confronting a friend or partner about a problem you’re having. If things get heated, take a 2-hour break to cool off, collect your thoughts, and put yourself in your friend’s shoes. When you come back together, use “I” statements to express your feelings and calmly listen to your friend’s.

7 can bring Taurus wisdom and intuition. As a logical earth sign, you tend to trust cold-hard facts over your gut feelings. While being analytical definitely leads to success in your career and relationships, following your instincts can help you make better decisions and take rewarding risks! So, use 7 to develop your intuition to let even more prosperity and abundance into your life. For instance, meditate for 7 minutes each day to boost your awareness. Or, read 7 self-help books to expand your mind and knowledge.

Lucky Years for Taurus

6, 15, 24, 33, 42, and every 9 years after are lucky years for Taurus. Specific years are also significantly more prosperous and auspicious for Taurus! The extra boost of good luck during your lucky years makes them the perfect time to transform your life for the better. You might move to a new city, find a new job, or plan your wedding on these dates. For instance, 2024, 2033, and 2042 might be particularly lucky years for Taureans. 51, 60, 69, 78, 87, and 96 are the rest of the lucky years for Taurus.

Lucky Days for Taurus

Friday is the luckiest day for Taurus. In astrology, Venus rules over Fridays, making this day of the week incredibly auspicious for the bull. You might find that things simply work out for you on Fridays, especially when it comes to love and romance. So, use the extra boost of good luck to schedule dates, buy lottery tickets, and tackle tough work assignments on Fridays! Fridays that fall on dates with your lucky numbers, like the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 9th, improve your good fortune even more.

Lucky Colors for Taurus

Green and white are lucky colors for Taurus. As one of the most down-to-earth signs in the zodiac, it might come as no surprise that green is Taurus’ luckiest color. Green represents harmony, balance, and healing, reminding you to practice self-care and ground yourself in nature when you feel overwhelmed. White is also associated with serenity and peace, helping you keep a level head in times of chaos and uncertainty. Improve your luck by wearing your colors or adding them to your home. For instance, put on a green blazer to relieve stress when you have an important work meeting or paint your living room white to create a calming atmosphere.

Lucky Gemstones for Taurus

Diamond As Taurus’ birthstone for April, the brilliant, dazzling diamond is believed to increase your strength and perseverance. If you’re feeling drained at work, wear diamond jewelry or carry a loose stone to feel refreshed, maintain your focus, and stay resilient when you face challenges and setbacks.

Emerald Shining, deep-green emerald is Taurus’ birthstone for May. This stone is thought to bring you balance, improve your communication, and boost your self-esteem. Whether you’re getting ready for a date or preparing a speech for work, wear an emerald ring or hold this gemstone to feel confident, speak clearly, and score a second date or prosperous business deal. Emerald is tied to Venus’ energy, making it especially auspicious for Taurus.

Rose quartz The sweet, pink hue of rose quartz is associated with friendship and love. Putting on a rose quartz necklace or placing this stone in your pocket can help you deepen your platonic and romantic relationships by opening up your heart, being compassionate, and boosting your empathy. Rose quartz is also believed to repel negative energy. Wearing it or placing a stone in your room can help calm your mind and keep negative thoughts away.

Lucky Letters for Taurus

P, J, G, K, and H are the luckiest letters for Taurus. Looking for these letters of the alphabet in your daily life can bring you even more good fortune in love and your career. Whether you’re searching for your soulmate or your dream job, P, J, G, K, or H very well might be the first letter of their name! Choosing to shop in stores, eat at restaurants, or walk down streets with your letters can also bring you good luck. You might snag a great deal, get a free lunch, or stumble upon your dream home.

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