The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Secret Note Square
The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Secret Note Square
Want to fold a note in a compact and unique way? Folding a piece of paper into a secret note square is very fun and easy, and is a simple way to pass the time in class. Secret note squares are a great way to pass along a secret message to one of your friends during class and to impress your friends with your folding skills.

Use a letter-size piece of paper. Letter size is 8.5" by 11". (If you're outside the US, use A4. You need to cut it or else this doesn't work.) If your piece of paper is too big, cut it down to size using an exacto knife.

Fold the paper hot-dog style, along the vertical axis. Make sure the side with writing on it is facing the inside, so you can't see it.

Fold the paper hot-dog style a second time. Now you have a long, thin piece of paper.

Fold the ends into triangles by folding them over diagonally. Make sure the two edges of the triangles are parallel; not like a trapezoid, (two parallel sides and two non-parallel sides) but like a parallelogram (two pairs of two parallel sides).

Fold each triangle over diagonally again, forming a thin parallelogram on each end. Make your fold so that the edge of the triangle that's closest to the center of the rectangle moves up so that it's parallel to the long side of the rectangle. If you do this with both triangles, you will create something that looks like an "S" turned 90 degrees counterclockwise. If you fold the triangles inward, you will get a rectangle, and this is wrong.

Fold the edges of the parallelograms facing the center straight over. You should have two triangles making a square shape in the center, with an equally-sized triangle sitting on each side.

Grab the triangle sitting on top of the square, and fold the edge beneath one of the triangles in the square.

Grab the triangle on the bottom of the square, and slide it beneath the edge of the other triangle in the square.


Enjoy your note square!

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