18 e-Kshema kiosks opened for poor
18 e-Kshema kiosks opened for poor

In an initiative to improve healthcare delivery system for the urban and rural poor, 18 e-Kshema health kiosks were opened in the city on Saturday. These kiosks have been set up in eight Assembly constituencies in Bangalore South Lok Sabha constituency.

Inaugurated by Ananth Kumar, MP, Bangalore South, the e-Kshema kiosks would help the poor undergo medical tests and help in disease identification at a low cost. These kiosks can check body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, conduct urine test, Blood-DC, and conduct ECG, all for just `80. In addition, they can conduct tests for malaria and tuberculosis, for another `40.

“e-Kshema offers medical diagnosis, ongoing patient care and monitor patients remotely by using innovative applications with the cost-effective technologies. The critical medical tests and disease determination costs just `120 per person,” said Ananth Kumar at the inauguration.

He urged the government to equip all the 2,840 primary health centres (PHCs) in the state with ‘e-Kshema’ kiosks in order to extend the benefits to nearly 40 percent of the State’s population which falls under the BPL category. “It is a fact that effective healthcare delivery system is still a challenge because of lack of infrastructure, doctors and ancillary support. Now we have technology on our side,” he said. Health and Family Welfare Minister Aravind Limbavali, who was also present at the inauguration, assured that the government would evaluate the possibility of equipping all government hospitals and PHCs with these kiosks. 

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