Art gets affordable, Giclee prints to the rescue
Art gets affordable, Giclee prints to the rescue
If you thought art was for the super rich, take heart as giclee prints are here.

New Delhi: In Art of Investing this week, art correspondent Sahar Zaman recommends trying out art prints. The signed giclee prints by international artists available at Rupees eight thousand and onwards are worth a try.

The ‘Fuschia Tree’ in the capital is one such place where you can make this purchase.

There's not much of an appetite for art prints in the market but art house ‘Fuschia Tree’ is trying to create a demand for it. And it’s doing that by offering a limited edition of signed giclee prints of paintings that work out to be extremely cheaper than the original.

CEO of the ‘Fuschia Tree’, Chanda Chaudhary said, “80 thousand pounds on one hand for original work and then a signed print for just Rupees twenty thousand - that's the comparison....Ilyas' original work would be available for about US $10,000 but we give a print for Rupees 8,000.”

But that doesn’t mean that the print offered is of cheap quality.

Giclee prints are made by a special technology of ink quirts and a final varnish layer, which maintain the original colours of the painting and also manages to capture minute details of the brush strokes.

The official website gives you details of the process and also a search engine which helps you select prints by preference of name, country, style and colour.

It is also a website that offers known artists from Peru, Botswana, Russia, the US, the UK. Just at a click of a button and at reasonable rates, you can get the work pieces of your choice."

The added attraction for a fresh art collector is the lock in period of one year.

Once you buy a print, you can exchange it a year later with another print of any other artist of a similar price range.

If the art world is new to you, your first step in at ‘Fuschia Tree’ and then take small steps from there on to the world of art appreciation.

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