The small screen at a city multiplex was house full. The popular serial Khichdi managed to bring audiences to watch the movie version as well.
The best way to describe this movie is that it is a ‘comedy of errors’. Babuji, Praful, Hansa bhabhi, Jayshree babhi, Himanshu, Chaki and Jacky and the entire Parminder family did manage to tickle the funny bone of the audiences.
The Parekh family sets out to find a suitable bride for Himanshu. After many efforts, they manage to do so. But Himanshu wants a love story that is extraordinary. And he thinks that a great love story is the one in which there is opposition from the family of the bride and the bridegroom, lots of mellow drama and thereafter a happily ever after.
In anattempt to create a sensational love story, the family tries out various different things and the film takes many twists and turns and as predicted in the end, the goal is achieved.
This is what the audience of the first show of the film has to say.
Parul Mehta says, “The first half of the movie is a little boring. But the second half is racy and lots of fun. One can comfortably watch this movie with the entire family but do remember to keep your brains at home.”
Rahul Donde says, “I was cursing myself for watching this movie. They
have just added jokes to the same ghisa-pita story. I think I should have opted to see Anjaana Anjaani instead.”
Mehul Sharma had come to watch the movie with his school friends and he says, “All of us have been fans of the serial Khichdi and it was great joy to see the same characters on the big screen as well. The patent dialogues and mannerisms of the Khichdi characters bring a lot of humour to the movie. But I did miss the Jayshree bhabhi of the serial (The character of Jayshree bhabhi is played by a different actor in the movie).”
Ila Goradia says, “Certain parts of the movie are pretty boring but post the interval the movie picks up again. It is definitely worth a onetime watch. “
Anish Punjabi says, “I liked the movie. I was laughing all the way.”
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