Badrinath Pilgrims, Be Careful! Rising Alaknanda River Poses Threat to Travellers
Badrinath Pilgrims, Be Careful! Rising Alaknanda River Poses Threat to Travellers
The tranquil surroundings of Badrinath Dham have been disrupted by the turbulent rise of the Alaknanda river, which flows just meters away from the historic temple.

Authorities in Uttarakhand have issued a warning urging caution for pilgrims planning to visit Badrinath, as the Alaknanda river near the famed temple has surged dangerously. This comes amidst concerns over ongoing construction activities affecting the river’s flow. The tranquil surroundings of Badrinath Dham have been disrupted by the turbulent rise of the Alaknanda river, which flows just meters away from the historic temple. The Narad Kund, a significant spot for pilgrims, has already been submerged, signaling an alarming situation for the local administration.

Recent heavy rains have exacerbated the situation, prompting local authorities to evacuate residents and issue warnings to pilgrims. An official statement urged people to stay away from the riverbanks due to the possibility of further rises in water levels unprecedented in recent memory.

The crisis unfolded late Monday evening when excavation work under a master plan triggered a flood-like scenario, causing the river to swell perilously close to the sacred Taptkund. This hot water spring holds profound religious significance for devotees who traditionally bathe there before visiting Lord Badrivishal.

Eyewitnesses described a fearful scene as debris and boulders obstructed the river’s flow below the temple, endangering the nearby Brahmakapal area. Local residents expressed concern over the inadequate response to longstanding warnings about the construction’s potential impact on the temple and its surroundings.

Previn Dhyani, President of the Badrinath Tirthpurohit Organisation, voiced his concern over the lack of action despite repeated alerts to the administration. He emphasised that the current rise, which submerged all twelve revered rocks along the riverbank, posed an unprecedented threat to the temple complex.

Renowned environmentalist Chandi Prasad Bhatt highlighted the vulnerability of the Alaknanda river, originating from glaciers high in the Himalayas, to human activities in its watershed. He had previously cautioned against construction projects in the region, foreseeing such environmental risks.

Nand Kishore Joshi, Chamoli District Disaster Management Officer, confirmed that an alert was issued promptly upon detecting rising river levels, although no immediate damages have been reported.

Authorities continue to monitor the situation closely as efforts to mitigate the risks posed to Badrinath Dham are underway.

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