BPSC 60th & 62nd Common Combined Competitive Exam Prelims Results have been declared by the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) on its official website - bpsc.bih.nic.in. The Bihar Public Service Commission had conducted the BPSC 60th & 62nd Common Combined Competitive Preliminary Exam on 12th February, earlier this year in 390 centres spread across 35 districts of the state of Bihar. The Commission has also uploaded the Final Answer Key for General Studies. The candidates who had appeared in the preliminary examination can check their results by following the guidelines given below:
How to check BPSC 60th & 62nd Common Combined Competitive Exam Prelims Results?
Step 1: Visit the official website - bpsc.bih.nic.in
Step 2: Click on 60th to 62nd Common Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination
Step 3: It will take you to a pdf where you can check your result by CTRL+F your Roll Number
Step 4: Save the pdf for future reference if you have made it to the list
Direct link: http://bpsc.bih.nic.in/Advt/Result-60-62-CCE-(Pre)-Competitive-Exam.pdf
According to the official result, 160086 candidates had appeared in the BPSC 60th & 62nd Common Combined Competitive Preliminary Exam which was held in an OMR format. Out of these candidates 8282 candidates have successfully cleared the Preliminary examination, thereby they are eligible to apply for the Mains examination.
The Bihar Public Service Commission has also given a notification for update in the BPSC 60th & 62nd Common Combined Competitive Main Exam Syllabus and candidates who have qualified for the same can check the Bihar Public Service Commission Syllabus by following the below mentioned url: http://bpsc.bih.nic.in/Downloads/Syllabus-CC-Exam-Updated.pdf
The candidates who clear the BPSC Main Exam will be eligible for Interviews that will be the final deciding factor for Bihar Public Service Commission posts.
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