Science is considered a difficult subject by many as it requires students to understand concepts and practical applications of the phenomenon. Science is not a subject that can be completed within a few days before the exam. One has to study it throughout the year to score good marks.
CBSE Class 10 Science exam will be held on March 4 from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm. The paper is divided into two parts – theory exam of 80 marks and internal assessment of 20 marks.
Here are some last minute preparation tips that may help you improve your score in CBSE Class 10 exam.
Model Answer Sheet: Answer writing is an art, which comes after practicing regularly. In order to give students, a hint of what a good answer looks like and how a paper should be attempted, CBSE has released answer sheets of some toppers. You should see it once before taking the examination.
Question Bank: CBSE has also put out question bank on its official website to help students with step by step solutions to thousands of problems. One should refer to it to get a sense of as to how to attempt any question. Here is the direct link of the question bank.
Scoring Topics: As you cannot read everything before the exam, following are the important topics, which may help you enhance your marks: acids, bases and salts, carbon compounds, periodic classification of elements, life processes, control and co-ordination in animals and plants, effects of current and sources of energy.
Flash Cards: Prepare cue cards for important chemical reactions, definitions and formulae. This will help you revise the aforementioned things in a short span of time.
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