China allows democracy in local polls
China allows democracy in local polls
The ruling Communist Party of China(CPC) has, for the first time, promised democracy through local polls.

Beijing: In a significant move, China's ruling Communist Party, on Monday, promised to hold local elections for the first time in the world's most populous nation.

"Elections to local committees of the Communist Party of China(CPC) represent an enormous step toward the promotion of reform and democracy in China," an official said.

"The elections of new leaderships at provincial, city, county and township levels will help to realise the strategic goal of building a socialist, harmonious society," added the official.

However, it is not yet clear if the CPC will allow the Western-style democracy and multi-party or multi-candidate elections.

The party has been ruling China since the founding of the People's Republic in 1949.

In the past, top Chinese leaders, including President and CPC Secretary General Hu Jintao had rejected the Western-style democracy in the country.

The CPC, which claims a membership of over 70 million, says that it will try to increase its governance capabilities and maintain the progressiveness of its members.

He outlined how the party will ensure new local leaders firmly implement the Party line and the policy of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

New methods have been adopted to examine and assess candidates in a scientific way, with new criteria to evaluate their work, in accordance with the 'scientific concept of development', the new catchphrase of Chinese leaders.

The CPC plans to promote internal democracy throughout the whole process of electing new local leaderships, by ensuring the rights of Party members and the public to knowledge, participation, selection and supervision.

Opinions will be sought from different groups on the candidates, while ensuring a sound environment for people to openly air their views on the candidates.

Great efforts will be made to nominate leading young candidates as new leaders as the Party is calling for further ideological emancipation and the abolition of outdated concepts.

The central leadership of the CPC will severely punish those who have engaged in malpractices in the elections, the official warned.

In March, the CPC said that public opinion will be the major criterion for the first time in selecting nearly one lakh new cadres of the Party at the provincial, municipal, county and township levels who are facing re-elections ahead of the key 17th National Congress in 2007.

Meanwhile, the CPC's official mouthpiece, the 'People's Daily' said it will publish a special commentary to urge local Party committees to ensure successful elections.

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