BANGALORE: “India, as I see it, is in a serious stage of corruption. It has turned into a cancer, that is eating the country from within,” opined former judge of Supreme Court of India R V Raveendran during the 20th anniversary celebration of National Academy of Trade Union Research and Education (NATURE). “There are two forms of corruption. One where members of public pay bribe to cover up or get something done. The second is where public is forced to pay bribe for no fault. This is nothing less than extortion, and is cancerous,” he said. Justice Raveendran urged the common public to take a firm stand against giving and receiving bribes. “We contribute to the growth of corruption actively and passively. Do we follow the law, pay our taxes promptly and follow traffic rules? We justify our actions at every step, and are ready to pay bribe. We have to take a firm stand against this,” said Justice Raveendran.Shankar M Bidari, Director General and Inspector General of Police (DG&IGP) in his speech, stressed upon national unity. “We pride upon our 5,000 years of history. But due to our internal hatred, we were enslaved for a thousand years. We must let go of lingual and regional identities and recognise ourselves as Indians,” he said, citing the examples of Sardar Patel and Jawaharlal Nehru who strived for national integration.
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