Despite Lewinsky, Hillary certifies Bill great lover
Despite Lewinsky, Hillary certifies Bill great lover
Hillary Clinton says she knew all along that her husband loved her.

Washington: The Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has admitted she had felt humiliated and embarrassed by her husband Bill Clinton's cheating, but 'never doubted Bill's love for me'.

In one of her most candid talks, 10 years after the scandal, Hillary said she was humiliated when it emerged her husband had cheated with Miss Lewinsky a White House intern.

However, the presidential candidate admitted she knew all along that her husband loved her. "I never doubted Bill's love for me ever and I never doubted my faith and my commitment to our daughter and our extended family," Hillary told US talk show host Tyra Banks.

The then US president Clinton initially swore under oath that he "did not have sexual relations" with Lewinsky, but later admitted that he had misled the American public.

Asked on the talk show if she had been embarrassed by her husband's affair with Lewinsky, Hillary said: "Sure, all of that. But I was just praying so hard and thinking so hard about what's right to do that I couldn't let anything else interfere with that."

"The momentary feelings you're mad, you're really upset, you're disappointed all of that goes through your mind," she was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail online.

Hillary told Banks that women whose husbands have cheated on them often ask her what they should do but she argued that every case is unique.

"I say you have to be true to yourself. No one story is the same as any other story," she said.

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