EC burning a hole in W Bengal's credibility
EC burning a hole in W Bengal's credibility
K J Rao, who became a hero of sorts after cleansing the poll process in Bihar, is ridding Nadia district of its bogus voters.

Kolkata: As West Bengal readies itself for assembly elections, Election Commission observers who are in the state have started unearthing bogus voters.

K J Rao, who became a hero of sorts after cleansing the poll process in Bihar, appears to have hit the bulls eye at every address he visited in Nadia district.

Nineteen observers of the Election Commission have swung into action across Bengal and skeletons have already started tumbling out of closets.

With thousands of names and addresses at his fingertips, Rao visited dozens of houses in a small town called Shantipur and unearthed bogus voters at every door he knocked on.

In the first house itself, there was a man who had two voter ID cards — one that had his name on it and the other one was in his nickname.

It was difficult to keep pace with the lanky 53-year old man. And he didn't just unearth bogus voters.

Rao took note of people who hadn't got voter ID cards despite writing to the commission several times.

According to some district officials, Rao might have already dredged out hundreds of names for being deleted from the electoral rolls.

Such is the Election Commission scrutiny that it might burn holes into Bengal's electoral rolls and cost the state administration a great deal of credibility.

(With Sushanto Datta in Nadia and Debasish Chakraborty in Howrah)

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