Give a meaning to marriage
Give a meaning to marriage
BANGALORE: Lal Bahadur Mountaineering Institute will organise a three-day seminar for couples of all ages on the subject of Meani..

BANGALORE: Lal Bahadur Mountaineering Institute will organise a three-day seminar for couples of all ages on the subject of ‘Meaningful marriages.’The seminar aims to help the couples to understand life in present day context and help them face the realites. The workshop begins with training couples present in yoga, meditatation and other activities like song recital, customs, medical care, games and dance. The evening camp fire will give an opportunity to socialise and showcase the hidden talent of the participants. Couselling sessions will be organised by the institution to solve the couple’s problems if there are any. The workshop also aims to balance physical, mental and spirtiual well-being of the couples to face the present day world. The seminar will be held from April 29 to May 1 at Beasent Park, Scout And Guide Camp Centre.

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