Indian face of world rock
Indian face of world rock
22 years and counting, Krosswindz, a Kolkata-based rock band, has not only evolved as an act, but has also seen independent rock music rock grow along with them. Lead guitarist Vikramjit Banerjee tells us more

Since its inception in 1990, Krosswindz has perhaps had only one motive in mind, make music soulful, be it rock, blues, jazz or folk. Considered as one of the pioneers of the Indian rock scene, the band launched their debut English album, ‘Singles’ way back in 1993 and 16 albums later, nine in Bengali and seven in English, they’re back with a new compilation in English – a motley of almost every genre, that will appeal to a large audience-base.

Explaining, Vikramjit says, “We call it free form as there is no fixed genre to the album. There is everything from alternative to acid rock, psychedelia and one can see a bit of Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd and some parts also have Rajasthani folk. We haven’t thought of a name yet, but we are planning to name it after one of the songs from the album.”

The present line-up of the band consists of lead guitarist Vikramjit Banerjee, vocalists Chandrani Banerjee and Rajiv, Ratanjit on the keyboard, bassist Osi and drummer Tushar.

Stepping back in time

World rock is how Krosswinds define their music. But why are they called so? “It symbolises crossing of six energies, ideas and influences of the band’s six members. And we thought that would be a good word to represent our music,” Vikram explains.

In the 90s, when rock music was not the most sought after profession, how did they come to choose it ? “Looking back, it was a very brave decision. We were very inspired by Gautam Chaterjee, the founder of the Bengali band Moheener Ghoraguli. We started off singing at college fests, from which we gained popularity and got invited to local clubs in the city. Apart from music, it was also a source of viable income,” explains Vikarm.

“Intitially, we started playing covers of Deep Purple, Pink Floyd and other popular numbers. But, eventually we started composing our own singles, which were predominantly in English.” 

The whole idea of singing in the regional language started only later on.

“We primarily delved into mystical folk music of India and Bangladesh, stressing on music from Bengal and Assam. In search of our roots, we found many beautiful traditional songs sung in the paddy fields which we re-recorded and sang, touching it up with elements from music from around the world.”

The band has played in every nook and corner of the country and has toured in the US in 2007 and 2009, covering nearly every major city there on their very successful concert tours. Singles, One World, Jhiku Jhiku are a few popular ones. “We also played at the ‘India for Bhutan’ – Coronation Celebrations of the Fifth King in 2008. We composed an original song titled ‘Dharma King’ and gifted to the King.” Vikarm is currently a guitar teacher at Music Cafe, a music institute in Kolkata.

Bollywood v/s Independent music

“Bollywood has off late been preferring a tinge of rock in the soundtrack. Rockstar, for example. Gone are the days, when rock musicians ventured into Bollywood to get a sustainable living. It’s the other way round these days. The movie Gangster set the precedent with India’s first rock song 'Prithibita Naki Choto Hote hote', composed by Gautam Chaterjee, being remade into Hindi.”

Commenting on the rock music scene in the country, Vikram says, “Things have really changed. We have many record companies that come up with a lot of opportunities for people. Back in the 90s, we would not even get treated nicely. We were rejected from a lot of places.” He further shares, “One has to realise that a majority of our income is from the shows, and just one per cent is from the CDs we sell. Rampant piracy and downloading is affecting us.”

As of now, the band will be composing music for a Bengali movie, and have already finished scoring two songs.

Nawabi City: Then & now

The band last played in Hyderabad in 1996. Looking back, Vikram says, “Hyderabad has come a long way. Back in 1996, it was a total desert and now when we performed a couple of months ago, Hyderabad has made a place for itself on the rock map.”

Elaborating, he says, “There is an underground music movement and youngsters are tuned into rock. It definitely is a major player now. If you have stars like Michael Angelo Batio, considered as one of the best shredders in the world  perform, the city is for sure on the right track.”

Krosswindz will be performing at Hard Rock Cafe in Banjara Hills at 9 pm.

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