You are enjoying the movie but are suddenly distracted by the couple in front of you. They are getting more than frisky and you are uncomfortable for yourself and your teenage daughter next to you.
Public displays of affection (PDA) are rampant just about everywhere. Take a walk to your neighbourhood mall, the local jogger's park, the theatre or even the road….you see it everywhere.
The question is, is it okay?
Psychologist Dr Leena Bahrani says, "Nowadays everything seems to be accepted. Saying that though, people brought up with a good value system will stay within limits when in public. There is a time and place for everything and when in public one should behave oneself."
Understanding PDA
PDA is any display of affection between two individuals in public. This could be a simple action like a mother kissing her son on his forehead, a hug between a father and daughter, an endearing embrace between two old friends.
Dr Bahrani says, "The problem arises when the display becomes sexual. That is when people around you may get uncomfortable and take objection to your actions.
What is okay?
While intimate hugging and kissing in public may be okay abroad, it is not acceptable in India. That said, PDA depends on each couple. You need to remember that in India overt displays of PDA are still not acceptable.
Here's what is acceptable:
Light kissing: A peck on the cheek, a light one-second kiss on the lips, a kiss on the forehead or the head, or a gentle brush of your lips against his hand is okay.
Keep the French-kissing and other forms of intense kissing for private moments.
A bear hug: A bear hug is perfectly fine as long as you let go of your better half in a few seconds. A soft light kiss on the cheek too is okay at the end of the hug.
Holding Hands: Nothing can be more endearing than a couple holding hands. This form of PDA is okay so go ahead and hold his hand for as long as you want.
Arm round his waist: Putting your arm round his waist is okay as long as it stays there. You may get a few glances from people around you but if it stays at the waist then there is no problem at all.
His arm round your shoulder: This is okay, infact it is a protective gesture
Remember when in public make sure that you do not put people around you at discomfort on account of your behaviour.
According to Dr. Leena Bahrani while you may put down your display to love and warmth for your partner there is a time and place for everything.
Totally Unacceptable
Now that you know what is okay here is what you should completely avoid when you are in public.
French Kissing: Save the tongue exercise for when you two are alone and away from public eye.
Massaging his backside: Again this is an extremely intimate form of affection and is best left for when you two are alone.
Feeling each other up While you think that the rickshaw, movie hall or the beach is as private as you can get, you need to re-think your options for places. This form of affection is best left for complete privacy.
Dr Leena Bahrani says, "There is a line one can draw between decent and indecent behaviour. There is a time and place for everything. And the public eye is not the place to display sexual affection."
Understand that showing warmth for your partner is one thing. However when your emotions overtake you or you cannot control it then there is a problem.
Remember that your behaviour in public could influence an impressionable child or scandalise a traditional couple. So do think of the people around you before you indulge in PDA.
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