JKBOSE Class 10th Urdu Exam will be held as per its original schedule on 13th of November 2017 i.e. the coming Monday. Amidst rumours on various social media websites, that the Class 10th Urdu exam is postponed, the Jammu Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has clarified that this is ‘only a rumour’ and the exam will be organized as per the exam schedule.
Syed Rouf, Joint Secretary Examinations of JKBOSE stated to a news agency that, “It is only a rumour. The examination for class 10th students on November 13 has not been postponed and it will be conducted as per schedule.”
The JKBOSE Class 10th Matriculation exams have already started this month for the Kashmir division and the first paper was of the English language. The Urdu paper is scheduled for November 13th next week and the Class 10th annual exams will conclude on 25th November 2017 for the students across Kashmir division.
The private candidates from Tehsil Gurez, Mechil, Keran and Tangdaar are also appearing for the Regular Annual Exams.
The Regular Annual Exams for JKBOSE Class 12th Intermediate for students of Kashmir division began early this month on 1st of November 2017 and will conclude on 23rd November 2017. As per reports more than 55000 students have appeared for their annual exams in the valley.
JKBOSE is organizing the annual exams in 496 exam centres across the state. Syed Rouf confirmed that the exams were held peacefully across all exam centres and students were not allowed to carry mobile phones in the examination hall.
The Class 12th Intermediate Regular Annual exams for the Jammu division began last month on 26th October 2017 and will continue till 23rd November 2017.
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