Life is really fun
Life is really fun
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsI changed blog provider today. Wordpress is much better and free.
A year and a half ago I left Slovenia as an unknown student with a big backpack and even bigger dreams.

Just a few people knew about me. Few days ago I received a letter from the president of my country, inviting me to meet him in Bangalore and fly back to Slovenia with him.

Life is really fun.

I am now in the northern part of Bangalore, in luxurious appartment of an American ship captain.

Life is interesting.

Until an hour ago we have spoken with the old captain and he told me about his life and his philosophy in life. He is definatelly one of the most interesting person I have met. Relaxed, honest, funny guy in his fifties, he has lots of money but doesn't really care about it, he dates several girls at a time, most of them educated and under 20.

Life is about daring to live your dreams and really enjoy every moment of it!

One World

Some of you might remember my letter sent last January from Costa Rica. I decided to be a Peacehiker and I mentioned a document, that can change the world - Dream World 2100. I asked myself: What do we really want?

Then I wrote you again from Mexico and told you about the presentation of 'One World' project, which deals with the questions: Where we are now? and How to get where we want?

On the way from Mexico to India I came to the conclusion that I don't know anything and I cannot do anything by myself. I can contribute my small part though.

The last part of the project was written on the night train from Pakistan border to Delhi.

Do you know Wikipedia? This is a free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit now approaching 1 million articles. All this in less than 4 years. It is an inspiration to me.

Now imagine world's people to start creating the World of our Dreams in a similar fashion. Millions of world people sharing their wisdom and join together in action.

This is exactly what has started six hours ago. I have given away evertrhing in the hands of the humanity.

Take a look, please, create an account and start contributing. You can write anything you like. It is easy. Do not be afraid. It can easily be restored to the previous version if you don't like what you did. Alone, I am helpless. Together we are 'UNSTOPPABLE'! I think that the project is a pretty realistic approach to solve the world's major challenges.

I am flying from Bangalore on February 18.

Therefore I have only eight more days of the journey left!!!

I really want to know who is the owner of the eyes that are reading these lines right now. Why don't you click reply button right now and write me a few lines. Write me anything. You can write in English, Spanish, Slovene or Japanese (please, only hiragana). I will probably not reply to all of you, but I know I will love reading your feedback.

You can write me something about your dreams, about your day today, about your dog or what do you think about the ONE WORLD project. Maybe you want to travel around the world also, but you do not really dare to say it to anyone... and you know that I am crazy enough to understand you.

However, expect your e-letter!
You can also find me on MSN as [email protected] and on Skype with username peacehiker.

Be happy! Be crazy! Live dangerously!

[email protected] first published:February 10, 2006, 15:50 ISTlast updated:February 10, 2006, 15:50 IST
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I changed blog provider today. Wordpress is much better and free.

A year and a half ago I left Slovenia as an unknown student with a big backpack and even bigger dreams.

Just a few people knew about me. Few days ago I received a letter from the president of my country, inviting me to meet him in Bangalore and fly back to Slovenia with him.

Life is really fun.

I am now in the northern part of Bangalore, in luxurious appartment of an American ship captain.

Life is interesting.

Until an hour ago we have spoken with the old captain and he told me about his life and his philosophy in life. He is definatelly one of the most interesting person I have met. Relaxed, honest, funny guy in his fifties, he has lots of money but doesn't really care about it, he dates several girls at a time, most of them educated and under 20.

Life is about daring to live your dreams and really enjoy every moment of it!

One World

Some of you might remember my letter sent last January from Costa Rica. I decided to be a Peacehiker and I mentioned a document, that can change the world - Dream World 2100. I asked myself: What do we really want?

Then I wrote you again from Mexico and told you about the presentation of 'One World' project, which deals with the questions: Where we are now? and How to get where we want?

On the way from Mexico to India I came to the conclusion that I don't know anything and I cannot do anything by myself. I can contribute my small part though.

The last part of the project was written on the night train from Pakistan border to Delhi.

Do you know Wikipedia? This is a free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit now approaching 1 million articles. All this in less than 4 years. It is an inspiration to me.

Now imagine world's people to start creating the World of our Dreams in a similar fashion. Millions of world people sharing their wisdom and join together in action.

This is exactly what has started six hours ago. I have given away evertrhing in the hands of the humanity.

Take a look, please, create an account and start contributing. You can write anything you like. It is easy. Do not be afraid. It can easily be restored to the previous version if you don't like what you did. Alone, I am helpless. Together we are 'UNSTOPPABLE'! I think that the project is a pretty realistic approach to solve the world's major challenges.

I am flying from Bangalore on February 18.

Therefore I have only eight more days of the journey left!!!

I really want to know who is the owner of the eyes that are reading these lines right now. Why don't you click reply button right now and write me a few lines. Write me anything. You can write in English, Spanish, Slovene or Japanese (please, only hiragana). I will probably not reply to all of you, but I know I will love reading your feedback.

You can write me something about your dreams, about your day today, about your dog or what do you think about the ONE WORLD project. Maybe you want to travel around the world also, but you do not really dare to say it to anyone... and you know that I am crazy enough to understand you.

However, expect your e-letter!

You can also find me on MSN as [email protected] and on Skype with username peacehiker.

Be happy! Be crazy! Live dangerously!


[email protected]

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