MHT CET 2018 Exam pattern and Syllabus circular has been released by the DTE Maharashtra on its official website - dtemaharashtra.gov.in.
The Maharashtra Health and Technical Common Entrance Test – MHT-CET-2018 is slated to be organised in the month of May 2018 and it will be held for candidates seeking admission to the First Year of full-time Degree Courses of Engineering and Technology, Pharmacy and Pharma-D for the academic year 2018-2019. The syllabus, exam pattern, marks weightage, etc for MHT CET 2018 have been set by Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
Candidates interested for MHT CET 2018 must check the Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Weightage etc and follow the instructions below to download the official circular citing all details:
How to check MHT CET 2018 Syllabus and Exam Pattern?
Step 1: Visit the official website - dtemaharashtra.gov.in
Step 2: Click on Circular MHT CET 2018 ( syllabus, weightage and pattern)
Step 3: Download the pdf and take a print out for further reference.
Direct Link: http://fileserver.mkcl.org/approvedinstitues/OasisModules_Files/Files/620.pdf?did=1114
As per the circular the MHT – CET 2018 exam will carry 20% weightage to Class XI curriculum and 80% weightage to Class XII. Thereby if a paper has total 50 Multiple choice questions, then 10 MCQs will be based on Std XI syllabus and 40 MCQs will be set from Std XII syllabus.
The MHT CET 2018 will have three parts viz:
The circular also clarifies that there would be no negative marking for MHT CET 2018. DTE Maharashtra has also hinted that the difficulty level of MHT CET 2018 will be at par with Joint Entrance Exam (JEE).
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