New York: Tiger Woods may have apologized to the whole world on Friday, but one of his mistresses is fuming at the golfer for not mentioning her and all the 18 other women in his life in his statement. She has termed his apology 'phony.'
Mistress number 10 and Playboy model Loredana Jolie Ferriolo has told The New York Post that she is disturbed by Woods' omission of his mistresses' names in his apology statement. She said he might have apologized to everyone in the universe but not her and the 'other women' in his life.
Ferriolo, who is also allegedly a call-girl, said Woods owed all of them an apology because he is responsible for dragging their names into the mud, according to the tabloid.
"He didn't mention anything about the girls (he had trysts with),'' the Playboy model told The Post.
She said, "It seems like he was just brushing it off and not getting into it. I think he should've mentioned something in regards to the girls - an apology or something.
"He was saying how the media was harassing him and going around after his kids, disturbing his family. But I'm sure all the girls have dealt with the same. I have, my life has changed drastically.''
Calling his apology 'phony,' the mistress number 10 said, "He just didn't seem genuine enough and it was very much scripted.
"It just didn't sound like it came from him, it was more like someone wrote a script and he just read it. I think they wanted to hear more about him going back to play, his fans especially.''
She said, "He was definitely nervous and he kept saying constantly that he needs help, he kept saying that he needs help and needs a lot for guidance and a lot of people's support, so I believe that's why it was scripted.''
According to the Post, another mistress and porn star Joslyn James, who claims to have been impregnated by the golfer, says she is "open to a telephone apology from Tiger'' because "I didn't deserve this.''
Mistress number 2 Jaimee Grubbs has also demanded an apology from Woods.
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