Mumbai civic body goes hi-tech this monsoon
Mumbai civic body goes hi-tech this monsoon
This monsoon the BMC claims to have a fool-proof plan to tackle situation.

Mumbai: The civic body BMC goes hi-tech this monsoon. There are plans to use live traffic police cameras at various junctions and Google Earth imagery for tracking water logging in the city.

This monsoon the Mumbai Municipal Corporation claims to have a fool-proof plan to tackle waterlogging using Google earth, the civic body plans to get a bird's eye view of the areas that are flood-prone.

So before you decide to brave the weather, try checking if Kalina or Milan subway are water-logged Google earth with its virtual globe has advanced aerial mapping with real time images to identify submerged areas...

And not just Google earth - the BMC will also rely on 60 such advanced CCTV cameras at traffic junctions across the city.

These CCTV camers at the traffic control room will double up as the eyes and ears of civic officials and relay live images for constant monitoring during a heavy downpour.

Additional Municipal Commissioner Manukumar Srivastava says, "We can know traffic junctions inundated so we can start pumping out rainwater."

With memories of the July 26 deluge not to far in the past this time, civic authorities are relying on these gadgets to tackle heavy rains but are Mumbaikars convinced?

The Google earth deal with a $400 subscription will be inked later this month. So will BMC's hi-tech avatar this monsoon, avert a flood-like situation?

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