NSG mulls revised draft amid continuing scepticism
NSG mulls revised draft amid continuing scepticism
We are in a dilemma over letter's content: Mulayam

Vienna: The US placed a revised draft waiver before the Nuclear Suppliers' Group (NSG) which met in Vienna on Thursday to consider the India-specific proposal but there was uncertainty over its fate with some countries continuing to have reservations over the fresh text.

The sceptic countries, which include New Zealand, Austria, Ireland and Switzerland, are not satisfied even with the revised text as they want certain "elements" added in it which would be beneficial for the international non-proliferations structure.

"It is clear that the package which is before us (NSG) still needs some work to achieve the outcome which can be the net gain to the quality of international security architecture," an official of one of the sceptic countries said ahead of the meeting of the 45-nation grouping.

"A number of measures have to be added to the current package before it can be considered to be a net gain for the world," he said.

India is keeping its "fingers crossed" and hoping that the US would be able to convince the nuclear cartel for clearing the way for nuclear commerce.

Some countries are expected to raise their concerns over the grant of waiver considering that India is not a feration Treaty.

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