Havana: Cuban leader Fidel Castro has said that US President Barack Obama's politics was "losing its virginity", Spanish news agency EFE reported on Saturday.
In the third article in two weeks criticising the actions of the new US president, Cuba's ex-president commented on White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's statement that "what interests president Obama is the Cuban-American community".
"The almost 12 million Cubans living on the island do not interest him," Castro said.
"When they asked him who was his candidate in Cuba, the man closest to the president did not choose to go into detail: I think the less said about Cuba the better," Castro, 82, said in the latest column in his series of "Reflections", published in the official media.
In previous articles Castro, who stepped down a year ago in favour of younger brother Raul Castro, accused Obama of "sharing in the genocide against the Palestinians," and of "arrogance" for not returning the US navy base of Guantanamo to Cuba, and of "contradictions" between ethics and his policies.
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