Recycling, Smart Cleaning: A Quick Guide to Saving Water and Making #MissionPaani a Big Success
Recycling, Smart Cleaning: A Quick Guide to Saving Water and Making #MissionPaani a Big Success
We hope these tips will help you save water and accomplish your #MissionPaani with flying colours!

Fretting over a leaking tap? Putting a bucket underneath it would not only save water but also prove to be a big step towards saving the country from a looming water crisis. Network 18, in association with Harpic, has started the #MissionPaani initiative to make people aware of the worsening water crisis in the country and provide solutions to overcome the problem.


Here’s an easy guide to help you save water at home. Remember, it is the small changes made collectively that make a huge impact.


Cut Down Shower Time

Ever wondered how much water gets wasted with just one long shower a day? The amount of water that gets wasted is only going to add to the water woes in the long run. So cut down on your shower time or go for the good old bucket to do your bit for the planet.


Bucket Will Serve You Better

It is often said that you are what you drive, but you are also how responsibly you choose to clean your vehicle. Using a hose can lead to a lot of water wastage. You can not only avoid it by using a bucket but also clean your car/two-wheeler better, as it takes a little more time and you pay a little more attention.


Recycle Water

If you have a bit of water left after cleaning your dishes, mopping the floor or any other chore, don’t throw it down the drain. The leftover water can be used for potted plants. This way you’ll remember to water your plants every day after cleaning, and even avoid wasting the precious natural resource.


Spread the Good Word


If you are doing a good deed, why do it silently? Make sure you tell your friends, family and neighbours to support the #MissionPaani initiative by taking the #JalPratagiya and becoming a #JalRakshak. Like we said earlier, every drop matters!


Opt for Dry Cleaning Over Washing

The festive season is upon us and people are rolling up their sleeves to carry out thorough cleaning sessions of their homes and buildings. While cleanliness drives are great, wasting water on them… not so much. Instead of pouring buckets of water down the stairwell, you can use a broom and wet mop. You can use the same approach of using alternative cleaning options and restraint when using water for other parts of your house and neighbourhood.


We hope these tips will help you save water and accomplish your #MissionPaani with flying colours! To know more about #MissionPaani, click here.



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