Study: 53.22 pc of Indian kids face sexual abuse
Study: 53.22 pc of Indian kids face sexual abuse
The study says that 53.22 per cent of all the Indian children face one or the other kind of sexual abuse.

New Delhi: Aamir Khan's show 'Satyamev Jayate' is just two episodes old, but the show is getting very good response from the common viewers as well as celebrities, however some of the facts revealed on the show are shocking.

The report that Aamir Khan and his guests quoted from, is 'Study on Child Abuse: India 2007' by the Women and Child Development Ministry. The study is a detailed analysis of the pathetic state of affairs when it comes to curbing the problem of child sexual abuse in India.

The study says that 53.22 per cent of all the Indian children face one or the other kind of sexual abuse. Surprisingly, 58.33 per cent of the total children facing any sort of abuses were male. It is against the popular belief that girls are more prone to sexual abuses.

The states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar and Delhi reported the highest percentage of sexual abuse among both boys and girls.

21.90 per cent child respondents reported facing severe forms of sexual abuse and 50.76 per cent other forms of sexual abuse.

Though the media occasionally reports the cases of violence against toddlers, but such cases are higher in umber than general expectations. This study highlights that tiny helpless tots are very prone to such abuses.

This study questions the mindset of Indian parents too, because only 17.24% of young Indian adults were found in favour of harsh punishments including imprisonment for the abusers, while 51.31% wanted the matter to be fixed within the family.

The second episode of 'Satyamev Jayate' featured Harish Aiyer's story who had shared his plight with his mother but couldn’t fetch her sympathy because she didn't believe his account.

Almost 79 per cent children chose to keep quiet when forced to see private body parts of the abusers. The study is full of such findings. 'Satyamev Jayate' should be praised for its effort of bringing such a big problem into the limelight.

Corruption and terrorism are still considered as bigger threat to our families than sexual abuse, but these data reveal that it can act as a silent killer as the victim can never get out of the trauma. It's high time to form a well directed policy to combat the devil of child sexual abuse.####

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