Uttarakhand: Nawaz Sharif sends condoling message to PM
Uttarakhand: Nawaz Sharif sends condoling message to PM
In his letter, Sharif also expressed his "deepest and heartfelt sympathies" to the families affected by the rain-flood tragedy.

New Delhi: Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday sent Prime Minister Manmohan Singh a message of condolence on the Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh tragedy, saying with the subcontinent getting increasingly prone to natural disasters, all Pakistanis "share the pain and anguish" of those suffering in the calamity.

Conveying his "deepest and heartfelt sympathies" to the families affected by the rain-flood tragedy, Sharif also said he was confident that under the stewardship of Manmohan Singh, the people of India "would face this testing time with the utmost strength and fortitude", said a Pakistan High Commission statement here.

In his message, Sharif said: "I am grieved and saddened to learn of the loss of numerous precious lives and displacement of hundreds of pilgrims in the floods in Uttrakhand and Himachal Pradesh. Living in a region which has unfortunately become increasingly prone to such natural disasters, the people of Pakistan share the pain and anguish of those who are suffering in this calamity.

"I would, therefore, like to convey, on behalf of the government and people of Pakistan and on my own behalf our deepest and heartfelt sympathies to the families of all those who have been affected by this tragedy.

"I am confident that under your stewardship and able guidance the people of India will face this testing time with the utmost strength and fortitude," it said.

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