BJP leader Swapan Dasgupta was locked up in a room for hours at the Visva Bharti University where he was visiting to deliver a talk on the Citizenship Amendment Act.
New Delhi: The Visva Bharati University on Friday set up a three-member committee to look into the incident of BJP MP Swapan Dasgupta confined in a room for several hours when he visited the campus on January 8 to deliver a lecture on the new citizenship law.
"We have formed a three-member committee to look into the matter where BJP leader Swapan Dasgupta had said that he was locked in a room with a mob outside, at the university, where he was addressing a meeting on Citizenship Amendment Act on January 8. The committee will submit its report within a month," a senior official said.
"The panel will also look into the alleged clash between two groups of students of the university on January 15," the official added.
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