Kolkata Restaurant Offers Zipped-Facemasks to Prevent Removal of Covers while Eating
Kolkata Restaurant Offers Zipped-Facemasks to Prevent Removal of Covers while Eating
A restaurant in Kolkata has taken the coronavirus safety guidelines a notch higher by offering zipped-face masks to its customers.

The coronavirus pandemic doesn’t seem to take a backseat anytime soon and face masks, social distancing are the need of the hour to keep the virus at bay.

A restaurant in Kolkata has taken the coronavirus safety guidelines a notch higher by offering zipped-face masks to its customers.

The move makes spares the customers the need to remove their face masks everytime they need to take a bite.

A 2D themed restuarant, Wok’ies is offering these masks at free of cost and it’s upto a customer’s wish whether they want to avail it.

“We’re providing it to customers without any extra charges. However, it is not mandatory, they can wear it if they want to,” said the owner of the restaurant, Somoshree Sengupta, to ANI.

“In the COVID-19 situation wearing masks is very important for the individuals safety and that of the society at large. We are thankful to the government for allowing the restaurants to reopen, and our business to resume. It’s a customised mask which can be worn even while they are having their food, it has a zipper which they can zip in or out as per the need,” said Sengupta.

Restaurants have been allowed to open and function at 50% capacity.

Previously, a non-government organisation in Chandigarh started a campaign to promote coronavirus safety guidelines including the need to wear a face mask.

Parivartan, has launched the campaign with by displaying a 36 feet long mask, that reads ‘Wear Mask’ in large red letters in order to raise awareness around social distancing and wearing the protective gear.

“Today we have organised a mask campaign in order to raise public awareness during COVID-19 pandemic. Our aim is to promote the importance of wearing a mask and practising social distancing in the current scenario,” said Renuka Sharma, president of Parivartan Welfare Association.

( with inputs from ANI )

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