Does Steaming Your Face Relieve Skin Congestion? This is What Experts Have to Say
Does Steaming Your Face Relieve Skin Congestion? This is What Experts Have to Say
Facial steaming also provides anti-ageing benefits and promotes the formation of collagen

Popularity of DIY skin treatments is on the rise with easier access to expert tips. Facial steam is one of the most popular detoxifying treatments. It is relaxing and very easily done at home. Steam baths for glowing skin have quite the reputation as it leaves the skin clean and flushed. It has a feel-good factor, cleaning up the pores and making the skin healthier. Facial steaming also provides anti-ageing benefits and promotes the formation of collagen.

Questions about the pros of the process crop up even though some extoll the perks of cooling down the face. Celebrity dermatologist and skin specialist, Dr Niketa Sonavane, is here to reveal the truth about facial steaming. Niketa cuts through the controversy surrounding steaming, whether the practise is good or bad for the skin. The dermatologist explains steaming your face relieves skin congestion, removes blackheads and dead skin cells and melts sticky sebum. On Instagram, she lays down the technique to stream your face for glow.


Step 1: Begin by double cleansing your skin.

Step 2: After this, gently steam your skin for 10 minutes.

Step 3: Once you are done, apply a clay mask for 15 minutes and rinse off.

Note: Alternatively, you can use rice flour as a scrub cum face mask.

Step 4: Finish off by rubbing an aloe vera cube over your skin for that enviable glow.


  • Steam opens up your pores and helps loosen any build-up of dirt for a deeper cleanse.
  • It also softens blackheads, making them dissolve more easily while scrubbing.
  • The combination of warm steam and an increase in perspiration dilates your blood vessels and increases blood circulation.


If you do it yourself, let the steam blow all over your face. Secure your hair to keep it away from your face. Keep your eyes closed and place the steamer a few inches away from your face.

Bottom line:

Too much steaming can cause dryness. Your skin will become dry if steaming is done for more than seven to eight minutes. Try facial steaming not more than once a week.

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