Mindfulness: Are You Really Ready To Learn?
Mindfulness: Are You Really Ready To Learn?
Saying ‘I can learn’ is more important than saying ‘I can do’, because ‘can do’ involves experience but learning is comparatively difficult.

Words are important. They give a peek into your mind.

In ‘Wine of Life: A Novel about Balzacthe’, based on the life of novelist Honore de Balzac, the father of Balzac tells him, “I want to give you a gift. What would you like to have?”

The son replies, “A Violin.”

The father asks surprisingly, “Can you play the violin?”

The boy replies, “I can learn.”

This conversation needs attention. I stopped at this point because I have rarely come across this kind of replies. A child replies for something unknown to him, ‘I can learn’, is amazing.

Child Bolzac said this under strange conditions. There was no love around. There was hardly any support. Yet Bolzac was full of hope for life.

We are losing this kind of attitude. While the corona crisis is to be dealt with tough inner strength, the attitude of ‘I can learn’ can help us sail through this difficult time. We need to be prepared for the changes. Making ourselves adjustable with time will help us in facing the crisis.

I got a letter at the beginning of the corona crisis from Jodhpur. In that letter, Malini Rathi told us that her services were discontinued by a private school. She was a fine arts teacher. She was upset and unhappy with the school. She asked us what to do? We suggested her to begin her own online painting classes. She replied that she was not much aware of the online game.

I came to know that her son is in the 8th standard. I said your son will take care of it. She talked to the parents of her students who want to develop a liking for fine arts in their children. Gradually she began to host online classes. Now, she has gotten so many students enrolled that she doesn’t want to go back to her school job.

Saying ‘I can learn’ is more important than saying ‘I can do’, because ‘can do’ involves experience but learning is comparatively difficult. We need a certain kind of dedication to learn something. With deep faith and affection, we can face any difficult situations.

So, welcome challenges in your life and get ready to learn.

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