Mindfulness: Do You Like Stale Food?
Mindfulness: Do You Like Stale Food?
The injuries of the past can only be treated with compassion and forgiveness. Some bad experiences are difficult to forget.

In this column, we talk about love, non-violence, forgiveness and compassion. The primary purpose of life must be to become a good human being. Unfortunately, we indulge ourselves in mixing selfishness in love and greed in ambition.

We have forgotten to live in the present. If we consider messages and e-mails received to ‘Mindfulness’ as base then 90 percent of people are unhappy due to the lack of selflessness.

Here is a story. Saxenaji was a high-placed officer, but he always used to be sad. Once he went to meet a friend. The friend was already annoyed by Saxena’s sad conversations over phone. The friend offered Saxenaji lunch. It was in summers. Soon, Saxenaji had cold food items on his plate. It was stale food taken out of the refrigerator. Saxenaji got angry. He asked why he has been offered the stale food. He was also surprised by this strange behaviour.

His friend replaced the stale food with fresh food and explained, “I have told you several times not to have stale talk. You keep on carrying the sadness of past with you. Whatever has happened in the past is out of our control now. You would get nothing from it. The past is like a swamp. The more we try to get off it, the more we get immersed in it.

Similarly, there is no control over the future. So we must practice living happily in the present. The injuries of the past can only be treated with compassion and forgiveness. Some bad experiences are difficult to forget. Still, we can reduce its impact. Gratitude and faithfulness can help us to overcome such pains.

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