People following a stringent diet plan are also likely to fall prey to an uncontrolled desire to have something sweet, what we also call sugar craving. That one tiny morsel of a dessert post meal, whether a bite of cake, mithai or simply a cookie is something so hard not to cave in to. These untimely cravings are nothing but your brain’s way of asking for a reward and that is the reason why people have a hard time successfully shedding kilos.
Although it is difficult to kill these cravings completely, there are more than one way to trick yourself into having something sweet but in controlled amounts. Some simple adjustments to your meals can be an excellent way to help you to take the edge off. There are a few foods you can include in your meal plan as options when you start feeling a sugar crave.
Here are a few foods that can help you curb your urge to binge on sweets:
1. Fruit
The thing about sugar craving is you usually reach for high-fat, high-sugar foods such as chocolate. Nonetheless, you can always swap the junk options with a choice of fruit. This will give you the sweet hit you have been wishing for and stop your craving in its tracks. Opt for sugary fruits like mangoes or grapes to make sure it hits the spot. You can always add some yogurt to fruit to make a parfait or any satisfying snack.
2. Dark Chocolate
One of the most commonly discovered foods eaten by people when they crave sweets is chocolate. You can in fact make it a healthier choice by opting for dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contains nearly 70% cocoa and compounds of a healthy plant known as polyphenols. Dark chocolate is also found to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
However, it also contains sugar and fat, like any other chocolate. So it’s recommended to restrict to not more than a couple of squares if you are craving chocolate.
3. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are made up of some excellent nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, healthy plant compounds and soluble dietary fiber which accounts for 40% in the seeds. This fiber easily absorbs water and grows to form a jelly-like substance in the gut. This helps in preventing sugar cravings and also feeling fuller for longer. To make it interesting, you can use the versatile chia to whip up a pudding.
4. Dairy
Dairy products are great sources of protein, calcium, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. They als provides instant energy and can help improve brain function. Dairy products curb your cravings and reduce the risk of diabetes. Those who consume a lot of high-fat dairy products also tend to have lower incidence of diabetes.
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