Schools Are Open. Tips to Establish Your Kid's AM and PM Routine
Schools Are Open. Tips to Establish Your Kid's AM and PM Routine
Instilling good habits at an early age works throughout life.

Mornings can be hectic once your kids are back to school. From getting them to wake up early, preparing their breakfast and lunch and then dropping them off at school is no less than a challenge for a parent. Setting a clear, stable morning routine can help the whole family to start the day with happiness.

To get with the AM & PM program, here’s how to set your kids’ morning routine.

8 hours of sleep

Children need to get a solid 8 to 9 hours of sleep. So, it would be better if you encourage them to sleep early in the night. With a good amount of sleep, your kids will get off the bed on their own.

Don’t let them sleep in the afternoon

Many parents encourage children to sleep in the afternoon. However, to approach sleep appropriately at night avoid making your children sleep in the afternoon.

Indulge them in fun activities

After-school activities are important. Get your kids enrolled in cricket, karate, or any other coaching.

Tips to get your kids sleep early

Set the time limit for everything from books to gadgets.

Make a habit of reading a book for 20 minutes before sleeping.

Make the home environment peaceful.

Ask them to wash their hands and feet before going to bed.

Massage your kid’s feet occasionally. They will feel relaxed.

Make them sleep in fresh and washed clothes.

Set a routine and ask your kids to sleep at the same time every day.

Tips to get off bed early

To establish a morning routine, set a daily alarm and get your child involved in the morning routine so they don’t fall back to sleep again.

Soon after your child wakes up, first of all, you wash his/her mouth, hands and carefully splash water in the eyes. Your child will feel completely refreshed and laziness will also run away. And remember instilling good habits at an early age works throughout life.

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