Summer special 2019: Here are Tips to Keep the House Cool Without AC
Summer special 2019: Here are Tips to Keep the House Cool Without AC
Here is the list of things that you can try to keep the house temperature down this summer.

So how many times you have skipped a nap just because it was too hot and sticky to sleep? With the summers in full swing, it’s like every other night that we wake up drenched in sweat. While many people resort to an air conditioner to keep their homes cool, it might not be an affordable option as it drains one's pockets as well. So is it possible to keep home cool without an air conditioner? Well yes.

One doesn’t need a fancy machine to keep the temperature down in a house. It’s all about some tricks and DIY projects. So here is the list of things that you can try to keep the house temperature down this summer:

Make your own DIY air conditioner: To make your own DIY air conditioner all you need to do is position a bowl of ice in front of a fan, this will ensure that the cool air circulates in the room.

Close your blinds: Up to 30% of the heat comes from the window, so it becomes important to close your blinds from late morning until early evening. This small move will make your room 10-15 degrees cooler.

Use a Damp curtain: This is quite similar to putting ice in front of the fan. In this method, all you need to do is damp a curtain and hang in front of the door or a window. This will make the room breathable.

Sleep like an Egyptian: I am pretty sure you are aware of this trick. And if haven’t tried it yet, you need to as soon as possible. In this method, you actually sleep using a slightly wet sheet in place of a normal blanket. We recommend laying the damp sheet on top of a dry sheet so that it won’t feel uncomfortable.

Unplug: Since plugging electronics into socket produces heat, unplug all the unnecessary appliances when not in use. Even if the electronics are turned off, it will still produce energy. So it becomes important to literally unplug it.

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