Surviving Summer Heat: Tips to Take Care of Children With Asthma During Summers
Surviving Summer Heat: Tips to Take Care of Children With Asthma During Summers
Dr Chetak. A.N, Sr. Consultant, Paediatrician & Neonatologist, Motherhood Hospital, Bangalore, Whitefield shares tips to take care of kids with asthma in summers

While many of us associate summers with all things good — mangoes, outdoor fun, and holidays, — it can be a challenging season for children with asthma. Combining heat, humidity, pollen, and increased outdoor activities can trigger asthma symptoms and lead to breathing difficulties. This calls for effective asthma management during the summer months to ensure children remain healthy and active. So, here are some essential tips for taking care of children with asthma during the summer.

One of the most important measures is ensuring your child stays hydrated. Dehydration can make asthma symptoms worse. So, encourage children to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially during outdoor activities. Water helps thin mucus and reduces the risk of irritation and inflammation, making breathing easier for your child.

It is just as important to check local air quality levels and pollen forecasts as summertime often means higher pollen counts and poor air quality. On days when levels are high, try to limit outdoor activities, especially during peak times. Keeping windows closed and using air purifiers can also help reduce indoor pollen and pollutant levels.

  1. Try to maintain a cool, clean, and humid-free environment as heat and humidity can worsen asthma symptoms. For this, ensure that your home is well-ventilated and regularly cleaned to avoid dust and pollen accumulation.
  2. As kids prefer such cold drinks during hot summer which can trigger allergic cough. When your child is outside, encourage them to stay in shaded areas and take frequent breaks. Also, dress them in light, breathable clothing to avoid overheating.
  3. You can plan outdoor activities for times when air quality is better, such as early morning or late afternoon. You can opt for water-based activities like swimming, which can be less triggering than running or playing sports.
  4. Ensure your child takes their medication before any physical activity and carries their inhaler.
  5. Ensuring that your child takes their asthma medication as prescribed by their doctor is equally crucial. This includes both controller medications, which are taken daily to prevent symptoms, and quick-relief inhalers, which are used during an asthma attack.
  6. Always carry a quick-relief inhaler when going out, and make sure your child knows how to use it properly. Also, don’t skip regular controller medications, even if your child is feeling well.

Despite the best precautions, asthma attacks can still occur. So, it is best to be prepared by having an asthma action plan in place. This plan should include information on recognizing early symptoms of an attack, steps to take during an attack, and when to seek emergency medical help. For this, educate yourself and your child about the early signs of an asthma attack, such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Quick action can help prevent a full-blown attack.

It is also essential to educate your child about their condition and how to manage it. Teach them to recognize their symptoms and understand the importance of taking their medication. This can help them take an active role in managing their asthma.

By following these tips, you can help your child enjoy a safer and healthier summer despite their asthma. With proactive measures, summer can still be a fun and enjoyable season for your child.

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