There was a time when people only above a certain age wore spectacles. But, today even young kids suffer from visual problems. Sitting for long hours in front of computers and smartphones can lead to strain on the eyes, headaches, blurred vision and other visual symptoms.
Many of these visual problems can be reduced by using anti-glare screens, eye exercises and nutritional diet supplements.
Here are a few tips that can help you enhance your eyesight and say goodbye to those spectacles:
1. Make sure you don't look at the computer screen for a long duration. Take a break and close your eyes after every 10 minutes.
2. Do the far focus exercise. Hold your thumb six inches from your nose and focus on your thumb. Take a deep breath and then slowly exhale. Then focus on an object placed about 10 feet away. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
3. Splash cold water on your eyes at least 5-10 times a day.
4. Meditating for some time every morning can go a long way in helping you improve your eyesight.
5. Make sure you include a lot of green vegetables every day.
6. Walking barefoot on green grass every day may work wonders too.
7. Ensure that the computer screen is kept at least 2 feet away from your eyes. You should never sit too close to computer and TV screens.
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