Why You Should Never Beat Up Your Kids
Why You Should Never Beat Up Your Kids
Your children will grow up under the assumption that physical violence is okay.

With a large number of teenagers now coming out with their mental health issues, a lot of it has been attributed to a toxic household and physically or mentally abusive parents in their childhood. Parents think that schooling their children properly requires them to physically hit their kids and in doing so, they believe their kids will turn out fine.

On the contrary, subjecting your children to this trauma every time they do not do as you tell them to may create further problems, much bigger ones than you are experiencing. Children will always be a little mischievous but mishandling them for the same is not an option. Here is why you need to take caution.

If you think that children can be disciplined by beating them, your assumption is wrong. With this, you give your child a ‘license’ to do the same to kids younger than them. Your children will grow up under the assumption that physical violence is okay as their parents are doing it and they may turn out to be bullies, beating up other children or their peers.

The physical wounds from beating up a child will heal with time but the emotional damage it does will remain with the child forever. The kids, subjected to severe beatings as children, grow up with very low self-esteem as they have been led to believe that they are wrong.

These scars can last a lifetime and affect the child even as an adult. Apart from that, you can also alienate your child from you if you thrash them too often. Your children will grow up in profound fear of you and will never confide anything in you. You will just emotionally push your child away from yourself by resorting to violence and that is the last thing you want.

Beating your children can even aggravate any negative feelings they may have deep inside them. They may grow up with a grudge and become a cynical person or worse, a person without a moral fibre.

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