Avengers Endgame 1 Year Anniversary: How a World Gripped with Fear of Covid-19 Can Relate to it Now More Than Ever
Avengers Endgame 1 Year Anniversary: How a World Gripped with Fear of Covid-19 Can Relate to it Now More Than Ever
As the Hollywood blockbuster 'Avengers: Endgame' celebrates its one year anniversary, we look at how the movie holds water even today.

Believe it or not, but one year has passed since Captain America (Chris Evans) led the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe in the fight against Thanos (Josh Brolin) and his alien army in Avengers: Endgame, which released in theaters on this day in 2019.

The Marvel Studios’ film, which culminated the third phase of MCU, proved to be a matchless phenomenon, earning a record USD 2.8 billion worldwide. And despite the fact that only a year has passed, it feels like Avengers: Endgame had hit theaters in a completely different time.

At present, when the world is dealing with the coronavirus pandemic that has emerged as a health crisis of unmatched proportions, the virus spread seems to have also put an end to a much bigger thing also – the cinematic experience — one of the core strengths of the superhero films.

The memories of the first day first show are quite fresh. The shrill cheers when the portals opened up and the 'Avengers assembled' or the pin-drop silence when Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow and Tony stark aka Iron Man sacrificed their lives is something we aren’t going to experience anytime soon in the cinema halls due to the virus spread.

Re-watching Avengers: Endgame at the comfort of our homes a year later, the 22nd movie in the MCU appears to be more relevant than ever.

Remember one of the earlier scenes in the film when Steve Rogers is talking to his other superhero counterparts over a hi-tech holographic meeting? At this time, it feels much similar to the official meetings happening over zoom app and other video conferencing platforms.

Or soon after this, Rogers mentioning to Natasha Romanoff about "Fewer ships and cleaner water,” seems like a relatable state too.

Moreover, just like in the film, the general population is apprehensive of what is to come next, the government is trying their best to assess the situation, the wildlife is having a fair play in open, the press is putting up questions and everybody is looking at their superheroes, i.e. doctors, for a miracle.

We cannot overlook the grim situation around as people long for their loved ones who are either stuck in different cities and countries or have succumbed to the deadly virus. With the world order in peril, it’s left to our heroes to protect the ones who remain and essentially take charge of pushing them forward through these tough times.

In a similar way, Endgame brings together a group of superheroes that are facing the consequences of living in the post-blip world that suddenly sees half of all the life vanish from its midst, something the prequel film Avengers: Infinity War sets into motion. The Avengers are trying to find some semblance of hope by keeping everything in check as the world comes to a standstill.

The film concluding Marvel Studios’ Infinity Saga comes out as a tale of hope and survival in a world that faces the aftermath of a global catastrophe, inflicted by Thanos.

In the film, post the events of Endgame, Steve Rogers (Captain America) sitting in a group therapy session says, “You got to move on. The world is in our hands. It's left to us guys, and we have to do something with it.”

It appears that the premise in the real world has remained the same. Only our superheroes have changed. Instead of the Avengers, our hopes lie with the coronavirus frontline workers.

Considering they are our ray of hope, the health care workers shouldn’t be treated less than superheroes in these testing times. They are working round the clock in labs, hospitals and on the streets trying to cope up the adversities the coronavirus crisis has brought forth.

The best we can do to celebrate a year of Avengers: Endgame is by rekindling our hopes that we’ll only come out stronger from this crisis than ever before. I’ll leave you with Tony Stark’s final message, “Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back, in somewhat like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing.”

Avengers: Endgame is streaming on Disney+Hotstar.

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